Campus and Community Briefs

Humane Society shoots hoops

There will be a three-on-three basketball tournament Saturday at 10 a.m. in the HPER Building to benefit the Humane Society.

Sign-ups will be Thursday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Taggart Student Center or HPER Building. Sign-up sheets can be obtained Monday. There will be prizes, provided by local sponsors, for the top-placing teams. The entry fee is $20 per team. A maximum of four players per team is allowed.

Diversity Week for everyone

“Diversity. It’s in you.” 

That’s the message Associated Students of Utah State University is sending this week.

“Diversity Week gives us the opportunity to learn about different cultures, lifestyles and experiences different from our own and to appreciate the people we are in contact with every day,” said Tiffany Leo, ASUSU Diversity vice president. “It is a time to celebrate, to have fun and to enjoy the company of others. It is a time to relate back to childhood memories, to see the talents of our peers and to express what we really feel.” 

A couple of movie presentations, a convocation speaker, a service project and food combine to create Diversity Week. Evan Adams, a Native American who starred in “Smoke Signals,” will speak. There will be multicultural dances and diversity awards led by President Kermit L. Hall. There will also be a university-wide carnival with performances, activities and free sampling of ethnic foods (see the ad on page four for details).

“Diversity is very broad, but it is the way it needs to be,” Leo said. “We need to look past our visual diversity and search deeper within ourselves. Our thoughts, our actions, our backgrounds, our experiences and our ideas enhance the diversity among us. Diversity is all-inclusive and you, yes you, are diverse in so many ways.” 

Honors Program helps scholars

Scholarships the Honors Program can help with, but does not have information on are listed below:

• The British Marshall Scholarship,

• Jack Kent Cooke Scholarships,

• Morris K. Udall Scholarships,

• Rotary Scholarship,

• Gates Scholarship,

• Phi Kappa Phi,

• SEG Foundation,