Campus and community briefs

Kappa Delta to hold “Star Search”

Kappa Delta sorority will hold its annual philanthropic event this week. “Star Search” will take place on Thursday at 7 p.m. in the TSC ballroom.

All money raised will go to benefit Prevent Child Abuse America and local child abuse prevention agencies.

This year Star Search will included the band Common Ground as well as acts by the USU Greek houses among others.

A prize will be awarded to an overall winner and a Greek winner.

For tickets ($3) and information, contact Angie at 764-1379 or Lori at 752-3341.

Poet laureate to give benefit reading at USU

Utah poet laureate Ken Brewer will give a benefit reading for the Adrienne Platero Creative Writing Award Monday at 7:30 p.m., at the Eccles Conference Center on campus.

The award was established through an anonymous donation and other contributions in memory of Adrienne Platero, a former English department student, whose creative writing accomplishments were well known among faculty and students.

Adrienne died last November of leukemia while pursuing a master’s in creative writing at Oregon State University. Her friends, teachers and colleagues hope to add enough funding to the original donation and contributions to award a cash prize each year to the overall winner of the annual Utah State University English department Creative Writing Contest.

Brewer, a USU emeritus professor, will read from Adrienne’s work, the work of other USU poets and writers and from his own work. His book, “Lake’s Edge,” will be available for $15 per copy, $5 of which will go toward the award. He will also donate proceeds from the sale of 30 of his photography greeting cards with poem inserts.

For more information contact Marina Hall at 797-3858.

Fight that e-mail spam

Want to cut down on the amount of spam delivered to your Utah State University WebMail inbox?

Go to the WebMail page,, and click on “Build a Simple E-mail Filter.” Keep the following things in mind:

* Filtering throws away certain messages, a fact that remains hidden to both sender and receiver.

* The filter works in terms of character strings. For example, if you tell the filter to always reject “won,” it will also reject words like “wonderful,” because the string “won” is in it.

* If you subscribe to certain e-mail lists or newsletters, you might want to program the filter to always accept certain character strings or e-mail addresses.

* If you do not want to receive solicitations from certain vendors, you can have the filter always reject e-mails with certain character strings from certain e-mail addresses.

* If you don’t want to make your own filter, you can choose to have the mail program throw away all messages containing pornographic or spam messages.

USU uses a software product called “SpamAssassin” to tag what might be spam. Users currently see questionable messages marked with “{SPAM?}” at the beginning of the subject line.

Questions? Call the Help Desk at 797-4358, or e-mail

Disney seeks college students for program

The Walt Disney World College Program is holding a meeting Tuesday at 2 p.m. in the Taggart Student Center Auditorium for students interested in joining.

Participants network with company leaders, meet people from around the world, take college-level courses, live in a multicultural environment, and maybe earn college credit. Cast members receive free admission to Disney theme parks.

Attendance Tuesday is mandatory to interview. All majors and levels can apply. See