Campus and community briefs

Symposium to address conflict in Africa

A symposium addressing conflict in Africa will be held in the Taggart Student Center auditorium Wednesday at 7 p.m.

Mohamed Ali Akubar, who has a doctorate in public administration, will speak on conflict and development in Somalia.

Steve Natambwe-Kalala, senior diplomat for the Democratic Republic of Congo and former ambassador to Liberia, will speak on conflict in Central Africa.

The symposium is sponsored by Pi Sigma Alpha, The War and Peace Center and the vice provost for Academic and International Affairs.

Winners of writing contest announced

The winner of the Utah State University 2003 writing contest have been announced.

Undergraduate fiction:

* First place – “Storm Duty” by Val Bradley

* Second place – “Wishing on Ghosts” by Steve Davidson

* Third place – “Rule of Thirds” by Joanna Hooste

Graduate fiction:

* First place – “In Memoriam: Venison Skidmore 1950-2002” by Joshua Alan Terry

* Second place – “Flying Lessons” by Denice Turner

* Third place – “The Island Story” by Sheldon Lawrence

Undergraduate poetry:

* First place – “Fingernails in the Cellar,” “Insomnia,” “Fluorescent Lights” by Jerry VanIeperen

* Second place – “Boston,” “Rosey,” “Madre” by Nicole Warenski

* Third place – “Summer Seclusion,” “Granpa Defines Me,” “Fifty Miles South of Home” by Marty Northrip

Graduate poetry:

* First place – “Sweetheart,” Hummingbird,” “In Tlingit Territory” by Alison Scoville

* Second place – “A Woman,” “I, She,” “Poetry and Happiness” by Callie

Bunderson Ngaluafe

* Third place – “The Dream,” “Baby, Baby, Child,” “The Muse” by Leslie Brown

Undergraduate essay:

* First place – “Of Vast and Empty Places” by Steve Davidson

* Second place – “Braided Essay” by Marisa L. Feinstein

* Third place – “Breathing” by Jennifer M. Carroll

Graduate essay:

* First place – “Winterfeed: Apples in the Snow” by Susan B. Andersen

* Second place – “Globs of Oobleck” by John Engler

* Third place – “Flesh and Blood” by Sheldon Lawrence

Genomics center offers summer event for teens

The Utah State University Biotechnology and Genomics Center is offering Utah and Idaho teenagers the opportunity to explore how scientists create lifesaving medicines, to debate the safety of genetically modified foods and to learn about the latest research in plant and animal genomics.

The event will be held July 14 to 18 on campus. The academy is open to high school students entering the 11th and 12th grades in the 2003-04 school year.

Participants will work side by side with faculty mentors on a variety of hands-on projects.

Space is limited, and the deadline for applications is May 16. For more information, contact Heather Kramer at


Symposium highlights USU Library Week

The Scholarly Communication Symposium is the centerpiece for National Library Week activities taking place on campus.

Organizers invite everyone to a discussion about scholarly communication April 9 at 9:45 a.m. in the Eccles Conference Center.

The session runs until noon. Organizers said it will be an engaging and critical interchange on a topic shaped by today’s evolving research and economic environment.