Campus and community news briefs

Miss Cache Valley info. available

All girls interested in participating in the 2004 Miss Cache Valley Scholarship Program are invited to attend an information meeting April 15 or April 22 at 7 p.m. at the Cache Chamber of Commerce Building at 160 North Main St. in Logan. Miss Cache Valley and her attendants receive tuition waivers to Utah State University. Call 563-6792 for more information.

Poetry class to presents its works

“I believe it’s critical for young poets to have opportunities for presenting and publishing their work,” says Utah State University department of English lecturer and poetry teacher Star Coulbrooke. “So each year, my students and I invite the public to reading of their favorite poems for the semester.”

The reading will take place April 13 at 7 p.m. in the Merrill Library. The event, sponsored by the department of English, is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.

For more information about the reading, call 797-3858.

Old cellular phones wanted for CAPSA

People with old cell phones and printer ink cartridges are asked to donate those items to help those who are abused. By donating these items, individuals can help fund CAPSA, a nonprofit organization that provides confidential shelter to victims of domestic violece and sexual assault in Cache and Rich Counties. As one of the licensed shelters and rape crisis centers within the state of Utah, CAPSA provides a safe, caring and non-judgmental environment.

Phones and ink cartridges can be dropped in collection boxes in the Lundstrom Student Center, Aggie Village Laundromat, Merrill Hall, Business Building computer lab, The Junction or the Women’s Center on the third floor of the Taggart Student Center.