Campus Nesw Briefs

Former hostage to discuss journalism Terry Anderson, the former AP Middle East Bureau Chief who was kidnapped and held hostage by Shiite radicals in Beirut for seven years, will deliver a Media and Society Lecture on Monday at noon in the Taggart Student Center Ballroom. “A Conversation with Terry Anderson” will focus on the state of journalism worldwide, including the sharply-rising incidences of attacks on journalists. Anderson is the honorary co-chair of the Committee to Protect Journalists and traveled to Siberia in an international effort to free a Russian reporter who has been jailed for more than four years. The murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in Pakistan, brings into sharp focus Anderson’s own experience as a hostage, and the threats to the international system providing global news, according to a news release. The event is free and the public is invited to attend.

Congressman to speak to students Utah congressman Jim Hansen will be coming to speak in Cache Valley Friday at 7 p.m. in the Sunburst Lounge. All public and media are invited to attend. After his comments there will be a question and answer period. The event is being organized and presented by the Utah State University College Republicans. For more information contact Joseph Burkhead, College Republicans public relations chairman, at 713-6585.

Family will be the focus of conference The Family Life Education Institute with BYU’s School of Family Life are sponsoring The Family Outreach Conference for all individuals interested in strengthening families. The conference will be held at BYU on March 19. It will feature breakout sessions, displays from existing programs and learning circles where professionals working in the field of family life can share their experience with current and aspiring family life educators (FLEs). One purpose of this conference is to broaden the perspective of the field of family life education and who can be involved in the field as a FLE. The Family Outreach Conference begins at 8 a.m. and will end at 6 p.m. Anyone is welcome to attend and can register online at Registration is $35 or $5 for current students. To request registration brochures, conference materials or further information, call (800) 452-5662 or e-mail

Sorority supports National Guard Members of Alpha Chi Omega sorority at Utah State University are working with staff from USU’s department of military science Army ROTC on a project supporting troops serving overseas. The sorority is sponsoring a unit from the Utah National Guard currently operating overseas, said First Lt. Ryan King. Members of the sorority contacted Army ROTC staff and asked for help identifying troops and developing a plan to deliver care packages oversees, King said. The packages are being prepared by Alpha Chi Omega with goods and financial support provided by local businesses, including Lee’s Marketplace, K-Mart and Kinko’s. The packages include personal care items as well as a variety of treats, King said. Sorority members will also include personal thoughts and messages to the troops in thanks for their continued and selfless service, he said. The packages will be delivered today to the Public Affairs Department at the Utah Army National Guard Headquarters in Draper, Utah. For more information on this project contact King at USU Army ROTC, 797-3637.