Campus News Briefs

Service project in need of volunteers The United Campus Volunteers need people to help paint toys for needy children. The service project will take place Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Sunburst Lounge of the Taggart Student Center.

Mentors for at-risk youth needed Youth and Families with Promise is a Utah State University Extension program designed to help youth who may be struggling academically or lacking self-esteem; in need of support, motivation or encouragement or in need of a role model who can help them develop good skills and values. Mentors will need to meet with their youth weekly, bring him or her to monthly activities and attend monthly training sessions. Students desiring to help, can contact Greg Cano at 752-0215, Adrienne Haddock at 787-4684 or Adrie Roberts at 752-6263. Voter deadline approaching Students can still register to vote until Thursday with Celestial Bybee, Associated Students of Utah State University executive vice president. Students have until Oct. 29 to register at the County Clerks office at 170 N. Main St. Applications for graduation due For students planning on graduating, applications need to be turned in to the Registration Office today.

Women’s Center holds fund raiser Dollar Days,” a fund raiser sponsored by Alpha Chi Omega will take place Wednesday on the Taggart Student Center patio from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Hamburgers and Pepsi will be on sale for $1 each. Also for $1 students can take three chances at dunking a Utah State University celebrity in a dunk tank. Celebrities include a USU cheerleader, USU athletes, Shane Sessions – USU Campus Police Sergeant; Andy Dilley, Associated Students of USU vice president of activities; Janet Osborne, USU Women’s Center director; Tiffany Evans, interim director of Student Activities; Gary Chambers, assistant vice president for Student Life and Celestial Starr Bybee, executive vice president for ASUSU.

Correction A City News and Campus brief in the Oct. 12 issue of The Utah Statesman said flu shots were being offered by Bear River Mental Health. The flu shots will be give by Bear River Health. The Utah Statesman regrets the error.

Compiled by Statesman staff

Video commercial contest deadline soon

Students can make their own commercials that will be shown throughout campus. The theme of the contest is “Why Students Should Vote.” The best video will win $100. Videos can be turned in to Celestial Bybee by Oct. 26.

Graduation application deadline today For students planning on graduating, applications need to be turned in to the Registration Office today.

USU Women’s Center fund raiser “Dollar Days,” a fund raiser sponsored by Alpha Chi Omega will take place Oct. 17 on the Taggart Student Center Patio from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Hamburgers and Pepsi will be on sale for $1 each. Also for $1, students can take three chances at dunking a Utah State University celebrity in a dunk tank. Celebrities include a USU cheerleader, USU athletes, Shane Sessions, USU Campus Police Sergeant; Andy Dilley, Associated Students of Utah State University Vice President of Activities; Janet Osborne, USU Women’s Center director; Tiffany Evans, interim director of student activities; Gary Chambers, assistant vice president for student life and Celestial Starr Bybee, executive vice president of ASUSU.