Campus News Briefs

USU student died of spina bifida Friday Casey Brent Kirkland, a junior English major passed away after a life-long bout with spina bifida on Friday. He was born July 10, 1978, in Tremonton. His funeral was held Tuesday at noon at the Garland Tabernacle. Kirkland was remembered by Patricia Gardner, English professor at USU of whom Kirkland was a student. “I liked Casey and regretted his passing,” she said. “He was a good, hardworking student.” Gardner said Kirkland always contributed something to class and was liked by other students. “He tried hard to be a pretty independent kid,” she said. People can make donations in Kirkland’s name to the Spina Bifida Clinic at Primary Children’s Medical Center, 100 N. Medical Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah 84113.Alumni to network with students today The Alumni Networking Forum will be held today from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the ninth floor of the Eccles Business Building (take the elevator to the eighth floor and the stairs to the ninth floor). Students can meet one-on-one with alumni to discuss career strategies and employment opportunities with their organizations. Dress is casual and students can drop in as scheduling allows. Refreshments will be served. Bringing a resume is suggested but not required. Companies attending include: Micron, Wells Fargo Bank, Evans & Sutherland,, AutoSimulations, Inc., Novell, Amussen, Hunsaker & Associates (Investment Firm), IBM, Edwards Life Sciences and PriceWaterhouseCoopers.Logan Canyon excavation continues Excavation work continues in Logan Canyon,between Franklin Basin and just below Tony Grove. Bridge work continues in the Red Banks area. Motorists should expect one-way traffic directed by flaggers and moderate delays weekdays from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Construction updates are posted weekly on the project’s public information hotline at (801) 891-3196.Free counseling offered for parents The Cache County School District is offering assistance to parents experiencing difficulties with their teens. Parents of children attending sixth through ninth grade in the Cache County schools qualify for free counseling services. The program is provided by licensed, qualified counselors and includes free consultation and assessment for drug and alcohol problems, behavior disorders, depression and disruptiveness. For more information, contact local guidance counselors or call Clint Farmer at 245-6433.Project to raise money for disasters The Cache Valley American Red Cross is doing a fund-raiser called Project Sweet Remedy. Mints and suckers can be purchased for 25 cents. Funds will stay in the local area to help the organization be better prepared for any local disaster. This project is being sponsored by Utah State University management and human resource students and will continune through November. Look for special dispensers at various restaurants, stores, county offices and other places around the valley. For more information, call 752-1125.

Correction In Monday’s issue of the The Utah Stateman, in an article entitled “Student Directories show incaccuracies” it was stated the cost of reprinting the directories was $1,300 to $1,400. However, the correct cost to reprint the student directories was $13,000. The Stateman regrets the error.

Compiled by Statesman staff