Campus News Briefs

Students present showcase Friday Utah State University will be presenting a Multimedia Showcase Friday from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. in the Ray B. West Building, Room 101. The event will feature multimedia products created and tested by students. The clients, developers and usability consultants who made these projects successful will be at the event. The seven products in the showcase include Web-based and CD-ROM-based projects designed for clients such as the American West Heritage Center, Convergys and the Intermountain Herbarium. All students are invited and refreshments will be served.

Christmas Tree on Quad to be lighted Due to inclement weather, the second annual Associated Students of Utah State University Christmas Tree Lighting will be held Wednesday on the Quad at 7 p.m. There will be a musical program, the lighting ceremony and free hot chocolate.

Professor’s teaching strategies honored Christine Hult, professor of English at Utah State University, has been selected to represent USU in an international competition, the Earnest L. Boyer International Award for Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Technology. Hult was selected for her innovative strategies incorporating technology in the classroom. As part of this award, she will deliver a paper to the 13th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning. She will discuss the ways in which she has used poetry to teach hypertext.

Nature writer to read on Thursday Rick Bass, nature writer and former Utah State University student, will read from his recent works Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Eccles Conference Center Auditorium. The Jenny and Thad Box Creative Writing Award will be presented at the reading and a reception and book signing will follow. While a student at USU, Bass studied wildlife biology and geology, and nurtured his creative writing under the tutelage of Tom Lyon and Moyle Rice. He is the author of 16 books of fiction and nonfiction, including the novel Where the Sea Used to Be. This event is sponsored by American Studies, the College of Natural Resources, the Mountain West Center, the English department and Petroglyph.

Peer counselors offer study break On Dec. 7 in the Taggart Student Center from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., a “final resting place” will be sponsored by peer counseling. Students will be able to win free on-sight massages, relax to classical music, take tests they can’t fail, watch clips from comedy movies, get tips on reducing stress, learn how to schedule study time and get free jokes.

Correction from Monday’s paper In Monday’s issue of The Utah Statesman, an article about the Coca-Cola contract with Utah State University said the contract was for $6 million every year. This is actually the total amount for all 12 years. It also said the contract includes guaranteed payments of $3.8 million a year and an estimated $2.4 million in commissions. Those numbers are also totals and not yearly amounts. The Coke contract is worth four times the old Pepsi contract, rather than the Pepsi bid. The Statesman regrets the error.

Compiled by Statesman staff