Campus News Briefs

Juvenile rape suspect to be deported A juvenile charged with the rape of a 13-year-old girl Nov. 6 will be deported to Mexico today, said Sergeant Brent Auman of the North Park Police Department. The juvenile’s deportation hearing was held Thursday. “He is history,” Auman said.

Fall Finale to be held Friday The Black Student Union will be holding the last party of fall semester Friday at 10 p.m. in the Fieldhouse. Admission is free for all females before 10:30 p.m.

Jcom department receives $1,000 Earbags of Sweden, the “official ear warmer of the 2002 Winter Olympics,” has donated $1,000 and dozens of sample Earbags to the department of journalism and communication of Utah State University. The New York City-based outdoor apparel company manufactures cold-weather earmuffs without a band to hold them on. Made of fleece, Earbags snap over the ear. The donation to the journalism department will go to student interns who will help distribute and promote Earbags carrying the official Olympics logo during the Olympic Games in February.

Sidewalks slippery this year Students walking over the new concrete areas on campus (which include Widtsoe Hall, over the new tunnel, between Merrill Hall and the Chase Fine Arts Center, between the Spectrum and HPER, and between the Veterinary Science and Bacteriology building and the Art Barn) are advised to be careful in these areas and wear appropriate winter footwear. According to a press release, the university will do its best to keep sidewalks safe, but due to a new method of clearing the snow, walkways may be slightly more slippery. For the past several years, Facilities has sprayed liquid magnesium chloride for ice removal on sidewalks and roadways. This has been very effective in that sidewalks are generally bare shortly after treatment. This winter, Facilities cannot use magnesium chloride or any other chemical on the new sidewalks around the specified areas because contractors will not warranty their concrete if chemicals are utilized during the first year. Facilities will plow these areas and spread sand which may result in packed snow rather than bare concrete because plows cannot always remove the entire layer of snow, especially if it has been walked on before plowing, according to the press release. Facilities plans to return to normal operations after this year’s warranty period.

ORC offers free Saturday trips

Preregistration for Saturday trips with the Outdoor Recreational Center are now available and will help guarantee a spot. The following Saturday trips are currently being offered: Snowshoe at Swan Flats will commence Saturday from 9:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. The hike will be about four miles and the cost is free. Snowshoe at Tony Grove will begin at 9:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 15. Participants need to supply or rent their own gear prior to the day of the trip. All trips meet at the ORC located between Romney Stadium and Aggie Village. Students can also look forward to the Yurt and Quinzhee Trip to be held Jan. 19 through 21. Preregistration for this trip is required by Jan. 14. Students can snowshoe or ski on this trip to the ORC Yurt in Logan Canyon, located five miles up Blind Hollow. Attendants will also build and sleep in a Quinzhee (snow shelter) and participate in a brief avalanche discussion and demo. Cost is $39 for students and $49 for all others. Participants need to supply or rent their own gear.