Campus News Briefs

Packages given in recognition of work Thank you packages were presented Friday to Utah State University employees by the Chairman of the USU Board of Trustees Gayle McKeachnie. Other trustees who accompanied Mckeachnie were Vice Chair Willis Candland, Barre Burgon and Dennis Sessions. In recognition for their service to students during the hectic first week of spring semester, trustees thanked Bill Jensen, Cashiers Office manager; Heidi Beck, Enrollment Services associate registrar; and Judy Lecheminant, Financial Aid Office director. The trustees thanked them for their work in registering thousands of students and assisting them with financing and making tuition payments. As of day five, the university’s enrollment is up 2,411 students compared to Spring Semester 2001.

Vigil celebrates M.L. King Jr. Day The Black Student Union and Multicultural Student Services at Utah State University are sponsoring a candlelight vigil in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Tuesday, at 7 p.m. The vigil will be held in the Sunburst Lounge of the Taggart Student Center. The evening will promote awareness of Martin Luther King’s dream and honor other individuals who strive for equality. Speakers at the candlelight vigil will include Kitty Stewart, the state’s Martin Luther King Human Right Commission coordinator and Jean Tracey, human rights activist. USU faculty member Ross Peterson and USU students Iris Sanchez and Gabe Carter will also speak during the event. Each speaker will highlight an individual and light a candle in honor of that person’s influence on the human rights movement. The audience will also have the opportunity to participate in lighting candles at the end of the evening. Attendance at the event has grown over the past two years. “Two years ago 20 people showed up, and last year the attendance grew to over 120 people,” said Jonathan Abebe, president of the Black Student Union. “That shows that people are beginning to understand the importance of equality and human rights.” For more information contact Christine Christensen at USU Multicultural Center at (435) 797-2326.

Chinese speed skating canceled for Saturday The Saturday Jan. 19 evening practice session of the Chinese short-track speed skating team has been canceled. The team has been practicing everyday at the George S. Eccles ice Center since Jan. 5. Holders of the passes for the canceled Saturday session can use their pass for either Thursday Jan. 17 or Friday Jan. 18 practice sessions. The Chinese short track speed skating team have been practicing in preparation for the 2002 Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City. The French figure skating team begins their practice at the ice center starting Jan. 28. The Russian figure skating team and the Swiss men’s hockey team begin their practice sessions Feb. 1. Free passes to view these practices will be available for distribution no more than seven days in advance of the scheduled session. All passes must be picked up in person at the George S. Eccles Ice Center, 2825 N. 200 East in North Logan.

USU Crew wins Awards Building Partnerships: Creating Successful Client-Consultant Relationships was produced on the Utah State University’s campus and won both the national Communicator Awards 2001 Video Award of Distinction and the international Aegis Award of Excellence. Members of the project team led by Stuart Parkinson, producer/director, are D. Shane Thomas, Sheldon Yamasaki and Don Newman. Executive producer for the project was Dean A. Wright, director of Dining Services at Brigham Young University.