Campus News Briefs

Primary elections to be held Tuesday

Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday for primary elections.

Students who are registered voter can find out where to vote by calling the Cache County Clerks office at 716-7150.

Those registered in Logan, can find a map with the voting precincts on it and also the addresses of the exact locations to vote at the “No Vote, No Voice” table on the first floor of the Taggart Student Center today or Tuesday.

Students saddle-up for Ag Week

Activities for Ag Week will be as follows:

Free Carmax donuts will be served starting today at 7:30 a.m. on the TSC patio.

Everyone is invited to a bonfire at First Dam at 8 p.m. Cookies and roasted marshmallows will be served.

There will be a quiz bowl on Tuesday in the Sunburst Lounge of the Taggart Student Center from noon to 4 p.m. Contact Scott Wangsgard at 881-4287.

Cowboy poetry will be held Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m. at the Blue Barn on 1600 N. 800 East. Ice cream and rootbeer floats will be provided.

Various food events will be held Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the Quad. These will include a shish-ka-bob sale, watermelon burst, chili cook-off contest and an ice cream contest. Contact Amanda Hopkins at 787-8855.

The Ag Olympics will also be featured Wednesday on the Quad and will include a foot rodeo, stick horse competition and a tractor pull.

There will be a service project at the Jenson Historical Farm on Thursday, from noon until “dusk or done.” Everyone is encouraged to participate in helping to build a fence for the buffalo pasture.

There will be a dance at the Cache Valley Fun Park Thursday night. Admission is $2. Swing lessons will be taught at 8 p.m. and dancing will begin at 9 p.m. Prizes will be given.

The final round for the quiz bowl will be held is Friday at noon in the Sunburst Lounge. Students can also attend the corn maze at the Jenson Historical Farm from 5 to 11 p.m.

Apparel and textile conference planned

An apparel and textiles update conference will be held at the Best Western Landmark Inn in Park City, from Nov. 1 to Nov. 3. The conference is designed for anyone who enjoys sewing and working with textiles.

Early registration fees for the full conference are $40; one day $25, or half day $15. Pre-registration must be made to attend any workshops that include kits with extra costs or additional workshop fees. Regular registration after the Oct. 16 deadline and on-site registration ($45, $30 and $20) will be for the 14 lecture sessions only. For more information or a registration form, contact the office of Karen Biers, 797-1533.