Campus News Briefs

Chinese New Year Party to be Held The Chinese Students and Scholars Association will sponsor its annual Spring Festival for the New Year, according to China’s lunar calendar on Feb. 9 at The Junction. The festival will go from 8:30 p.m. to midnight. Traditional Chinese cuisine, including Chinese dumplings, will be served to all the participants. Performances, games, drawings and a dance party will be held after the food is served.

Bonneville master plan unveiled A public open house will be held on Feb. 4 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Logan Recreation Center to unveil the Draft Master Plan for the Northern Utah Portion of the Bonneville Shoreline Trail. The open house, scheduled to be held on Monday, Jan. 28, was rescheduled due to excessive snow. Public meetings were held last October to gain input, and the maps presented at the open house are a synthesis of these ideas. Additional information is available online at Comments about the plan may also be made on this Web site until Feb. 11. Anyone interested in improving the quality of life in Northern Utah should plan to attend.

Department urges snow removal As residents continue to clear snow from their sidewalks and driveways in the wake of last week’s storm, Smithfield Fire and Rescue is urging residents in Smithfield, Hyde Park, Amalga and Benson to clear snow away from fire hydrants. Fire Chief Jay Downs said the excessive snow has covered many hydrants in the area served by Smithfield Fire and Rescue. He encouraged people with hydrants in front of their homes to find them and clear out the snow around them so firefighters can easily see them if they have to respond to a nearby fire.

Teams place first at BYU contest Members of Utah State University’s Human Resource Teams left no doubt in anyone’s mind where the cream of the human resource crop studies. The Utah Human Resource Collegiate Games held at BYU, both teams from USU, the Blue and White teams scored more points than had ever been recorded in the history of the Utah competition. Team Blue scored 29,800 points. Team White scored 33,200. The next closest team scored 13,900 points. Team Blue (which didn’t lose a single round during the games) will represent Utah in regional competition in Tempe, Ariz., in April. Team coaches are Al Warnick and Mary Jo Blahna. Other teams in the Society for Human Resource Managers-sponsored games were from BYU, Southern Utah University, Utah Valley State College, Weber State and Westminster.