Campus News Briefs

Famous landscape architects to present

Robert Irwin and Andrew Spurlock will give presentations about Perspectives on Landscape and Art on April 3 at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. in the Eccles Science Learning Center, Room 130. The internationally recognized artists will present their views on perception, creativity and collaboration in coordination with the department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning (LAEP) and a grant from the Marie Eccles Caine Foundation. Josh Hellewell, a senior in the LAEP department, and John Ellsworth, a faculty member in the LAEP department, are planning the event in conjunction with LAEP Week. Ellsworth said the event is a wonderful opportunity. Examples of Irwin’s work are also on display at the Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art from now through June 1, 2002. For more information on the presentation, contact Ellsworth or Hellewell at 797-0500 or go to the LAEP Web site at

Nature preserve honors McKay

The Resources Committee has approved the creation of a 15-acre nature preserve in honor of former First District Congressman Gunn McKay near McKay’s hometown of Huntsville, Utah. The preserve, to be created on U.S. Forest Service land, will serve as a natural buffer between the residential neighborhoods and farms near Huntsville and the nearby Cemetery Point recreation beach areas along the Pineview Reservoir. McKay served at Utah’s First District representative in Congress from 1971 to 1981. He died on Oct. 6, 2000.Funding and management details will be worked out at a future time with the Gunn McKay Nature Preserve Foundation.

Contest winners to share writings

First-place authors from the annual Utah State University Creative Writing Contest will present their works in a public reading and reception on Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Haight Alumni Center. “Many fine student writers entered the contest this year,” contest director Marina Hall said. “Virtually every college in the university was represented with winners’ majors ranging from forest resources to English.” First-place authors who are returning to USU next year are also eligible for the Ralph Jennings Smith Creative Writing Award, a one-semester, full-tuition scholarship which will be awarded by a separate panel of judges. The reading and reception are open to the public. A publication of prize-winning entries, Windows on the Mind, was designed, edited and produced by student intern Seth Johnson and will be available at the reading. The contest is made possible by support from the Associated Students of Utah State University, the department of English and the Honors Program. For more information contact Marina Hall at 797-3858.