Campus News Briefs

President Hall to speak at tabernacle

President Kermit L. Hall will speak on “Principles of Liberty in Tmes of crisis” as part of the Tabernacle Concert and Lecture Series. He will speak at the Logan Tabernacle Friday, at 7 p.m. The tabernacle is located at 50 N. Main St.

Author’s workshop rescheduled

The Chip Rawlins workshop has been rescheduled for Thursday, Oct. 25 at 8 p.m. in the Eccles Conference Center auditorium. A reception and book signing will follow.

Writer’s workshop to be held

A writer’s workshop will be held at the Forestry Camp in Logan Canyon. Seats are still available for people interested in registering. The workshop is open to students and the community. The workshop will be held Oct. 26 through 28.

Mormon historian’s life on exhibit

Leonard J. Arrington: Excerpts from a Life (1917-1999) will be on display in the Merrill Library’s Tanner Reading Room.

Documents, photographs and letters from Arrington’s collection, along with examples of his books and writings present an overview of his life.

The exhibit is adjacent to the Arrington Room which will be officially dedicated and opened Oct. 11.

Special Collections and Archives in the Merrill Library is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For information call 797-2663.

City Council finalistsdebate Nov. 5

Finalists for the Logan City Council primaries will debate Nov. 5, the day before the final election.

The debate will be hosted by the Associated Students of Utah State University Public Affairs Board (PAB).

People can still register to vote with PAB or with Celestial Bybee, ASUSU executive vice president, until Oct. 18. Students can also register to vote at the County Clerk’s office at 170 Main St. until Oct. 29.

Video contest for Public Affairs Board

The Public Affairs Board is holding a two-minute video contest open to clubs, organizations and students. The theme of the contest is “Why Students Should Vote.” The best video will win $100 and there will be four other categories which will win $25 each. The top videos will be played on Aggie TV as commercials prior to the candidate debate and will also be played in the hallway of the Taggart Student Center Nov. 5 and 6.

Winners will be announced at the end of the debate. Videos are due Oct. 26 at TSC Room 338 or 326.

Compiled by Statesman staff