Campus News Briefs

Study abroad fair offers travel tips

The first annual Study Abroad Fair will be held in the Taggart Student Center Sunburst Lounge on Tuesday, Oct. 16, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

After the fair, Edward Hasbrouck will give a speech on budget travel tips. The speech will begin at 2:30 p.m.

The same night, Hasbrouck will give a speech called “World Travel? Is it still a Good Idea?” in the Logan City Building, 255 N. Main St. at 7:30 p.m.

He is the author of a book called The Practical Nomad: How to Travel Around the World.

For more information, contact the study abroad office at 797-0601.

Committee agrees to ‘ELF’ subpoena

Colorado Representative Scott McInnis announced today he will hold a hearing next February to probe the threat of eco-terrorism and hear testimony from the subpoenaed Craig Rosebraugh, the self-appointed spokesman of the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), the most active group in a growing underground web of environmental terrorists.

The hearing will take place in the House of Resources Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health, of which McInnis is the Chairman. For information call (202) 225-4761.

Sheriff’s Office receives awards

Cache County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Commander Merlin Bunn was recently awarded the Rex Huntsman Award at the statewide Search and Rescue convention.

The Huntsman Award is one of the highest awards given to a Reach and Rescue member who has performed outstanding service.

The annual “Lost in the Ruff” golf tournament and dinner was also held to raise funding for search and rescue activities.

The Hillcrest Elementary School held a “Pennies for Paws” fund raiser. They raised $1,500 and gave the check to Sheriff G. Lynn Nelson to be divided between: American Search Dogs, Rocky Mountain Search Dogs and Duchesne County Sheriff’s Office.

Fall Jam dance to be held on Saturday

The annual Fall Jam will be held on Saturday, 9 p.m. in the Fieldhouse. Admission will be $3.

The dance is sponsored by Psi Sigma Phi and the Black Student Union. A DJ will provide the music.

All types of music will be played including country, Latin, punk, reggae, disco and hip hop.

Family Life accepting costume donations

The Bear River Health Department’s annual Red Ribbon Week 5K Run and 1-mile walk have been combined with Utah State University’s annual Homecoming 5K Run on Oct. 20.

Cost for the race is $8 if registered by Oct. 13, and $10 after the pre-registration deadline. The fee includes a water bottle and long-sleeved T-shirt. Registration is $2 without the shirt.

Participants can register at the Bear River Health Department, 655 E. 1300 North, at Sports Feet in the Cache Valley Mall, online at or the day of the race at Mt. Logan Middle School.

Prize money will be awarded to schools with the most participants. Family and friends who participate can name a school on their registration form to count toward that school’s total.

Pick a name to donate a costume

The College of Family Life is sponsoring children who need Halloween costumes. There is an “angel pumpkin” located in the first floor of the Family Life Building. Students can donate costumes by picking a name off the pumpkin or by donating money in the main office. For more information contact Kristen Stokes, the Family Life senator.

Compiled by Statesman staff.