Campus Shuttle Drivers

Classes here at USU are stressful enough, the shuttle drivers shouldn’t have to make it more stressful for us. At least smile when we get on “your” bus. It could help our day just a tad bit. My true problem is with a certain driver who decided it would be appropriate at that time to yell and swear at me because I entered the bus at the “Exit Doors”. After whiping his spit off of my arm, I realized that I had made an error and apoligized. I was embarresed for him but then he continued to make a fool of himself. I have never thought more highly of a man when they swear and curse. Settle down, buddy. That was the first time I was a little nervous about riding the shuttle. I believe his knuckles where white from gripping the steering wheel. He then cont. to stare me down through his mirror and wouldn’t open the “Exit Door” at my stop. I dont want to know what he had in his cereal this morning. I wanted to add a couple quotes from the Transportation web site: “Our mission is to provide safe access to campus for faculty, staff, students and visitors”. Hmmmm, how about this one: “Essentially, our mission is to create an atmosphere that communicates to all campus users they are welcome at Utah State University”. I know that actions of this driver isn’t the same with all drivers, but it doesnt give a good reflection of the campus when the driver is taunting you as you have to walk to the front door to leave “his shuttle”.

(to editor: i havent ever written anything to any newspapers before. I give you access to edit this article to make it either appropriate (if it isnt) and readable… Thank You)