Cartwright named top Aggie

Landon Olson

Utah Statesman: How does it feel to be the Utah State University Athlete of the Week for a second time this year?

Erin Cartwright: It feels good. It was surprising. I didn’t think I would get it again. It feels good.

US: You missed the game on Oct. 27 against the University of California, Santa Barbara due to sickness. How did that influence your play and intensity last weekend?

EC: I was really pumped to come back and play my hardest. It made me value playing. I’ve never sat out like that before. It really hit me.

US: Did you set any personal goals for yourself this season?

EC: Probably just work my hardest. Whatever position I’m in, to work my hardest. That’s probably my number one goal.

US: Do you do anything special to get fired up before games?

EC: I do. Actually, I don’t to get fired up, but I get excited and nervous. I usually sit by myself for five minutes to get mentally prepared.

US: Do you do anything special after matches to celebrate victories?

EC: I go out with my friends and family, out to dinner. Tonight we’re going bowling.

US: When did you start playing volleyball?

EC: Ninth grade. One of my good friends played at Logan. She had played for years and made me play. She made me try out as a freshman.

US: Do you, or did you in high school, play any other sports?

EC: Nope. I was going to play softball and basketball but quit because I loved volleyball so much.

US: What do you like to do on the nights or weekends when you aren’t playing?

EC: I like to play with my teammates or go out with my friends. That’s what I like to do, or we have study hall.

US: Monopoly or the Game of Life, and why?

EC: Monopoly. I think it is a lot more fun than Life. Life is just boring.

US: Can you do any stupid human tricks?

EC: No, not at all. None.