Monday, April 9-USU Music Department, Concerto Concert. 7:30 p.m., Kent Concert Hall, Free w/student Id, general admission $3. Tuesday, April
Joe Rowley At the beginning of this year, the Bear River Association of Governments received a grant of $500,000 from
Alicia Wiser With 62 percent of women in Utah juggling work and children under the age of 6, and with
Matt Eichner The Merrill Library recognized various groups and individuals who have contributed to the library in the past year
Shereen Saurey Beginning in Fall 2001, the Utah State University football team became an independent. The 2000 season was the
Poetry and a Beverage has been going since 1991. Traditionally, there have been four each year – one each month
Matt Eichner Utah State University’s Utah Water Research Lab (UWRL) hosted members of the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) Thursday
Heather Fredrickso ” … O’er the land of the free (so long as you write and say exactly what everyone
Utah State University Media Relations The recipients of this year’s President’s Diversity Awards will be recognized Thursday, following a forum
slf56 Dear Editor, I am writing in response to a letter to the Editor printed on April 6 entitled, “The