2002 Games Mascot to be Mad Cow Disease bdwatkins@cc.usu.edu Mad Cow Disease is getting mean. All over earth, bovine organs and muscles– dead or alive– are going extinct. All 28 Mar
COLUMN: USU offers outdoor stress relief As spring approaches and the weather warms, students are trying to find an excuse to be outside. Participating in intramural All 28 Mar
Honorary degrees to be awarded James Jenkins For commencement exercises in May, Utah State University will honor outstanding individuals like composer John Williams, businessmen Stephen All 28 Mar
LETTER: Utah divorce rate higher than national average Dear Editor, I am not currently a student, but often read the Statesman – out of personal habit more than All 28 Mar
USU departments to participate in Navajo-English program Jessica Whatcott The Utah State University departments of Elementary Education and Languages and Philosophy are participating in a new Navajo-English All 28 Mar
LETTER: Pet humor not funny Dear Editor, Bryce Casselman’s March 23 column, an alarming admission of animal neglect couched in tasteless humor, was offensive and All 28 Mar
Women honored for life accomplishments Jessica Warren The Women’s Center honored three women for their life accomplishments with Women Over 65 Achievement Awards at an All 28 Mar
LETTER: Tuition hikes beneficial? Dear Editor, Are complaints against tuition hikes tenable? I am writing in response to the letter to the editor arguing All 28 Mar
Some in hearing world not familiar with culture of the deaf Alicia Wiser Students and teachers throughout Utah, Idaho and Wyoming attended a series of deaf awareness workshops held Saturday, designed All 28 Mar
In-state softball rivals clash Jason Turner Fresh off a road victory over the University of California at Northridge, the USU women’s softball team will All 28 Mar