Pioneers put up 4th-best acore ever to beat Aggies Aaron Morton Despite scoring its best team score of the season, USU lost to the University of Denver, 195.900-194.900, at All 12 Feb
ASUSU encourages students to join them at rally Doug Smeath On Wednesday, students who skip classes may actually be helping improve their education. The Associated Students of Utah All 12 Feb
Survey shows young women are less confident with computers than men are Lara Gale This year’s freshmen in the United States are the most computer savvy in history, according to UCLA’s most All 12 Feb
Want services? Just ask Jessica Whatcott Utah State University students used to be able to spend the lunch hour bowling, ordering flowers or shopping All 12 Feb
Fund-raising raffle will benefit DRC Will Bettmann The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is holding a fund-raising raffle to benefit both the Disability Resource All 12 Feb
Amano works to build a stroner music program Crystal Moore Editor’s note: The Variety section of the Statesman will periodically spotlight a member of the USU faculty. Knowing All 12 Feb
USU wins in the trenches Katrina Cartwright With Saturday’s 58-46 win over California State University at Fullerton, the USU men’s basketball team has achieved its All 12 Feb
‘Canoli’ follows author’s search for love for America Joanna Hooste Sarah Vowell is a contributing editor on This American Life (TAL) and a columnist for Salon. Her new All 12 Feb
Hockey splits with BYU, Utah over weekend Jason Turner The last time the USU men’s hockey club played Provo (Brigham Young University) as part of a home-and-away All 12 Feb
HPER helps keep USU fit Brittany Pfister The HPER building has served Utah State University students as home for physical and recreational needs for 30 All 12 Feb