COLUMN: Why I wear headphones during election week on campus Logan Jones, staff writer It turns out Monday was the wrong day to leave my headphones at home – It’s Columns 24 Feb
COLUMN: If you don’t care, then don’t vote Tavin Stucki, editor-in-chief Students who don’t know why they’re voting shouldn’t vote. Before anyone can accuse me of being a Columns 24 Feb
LETTER: Obama is wrong about gender gap Josh Richards To the editor: In his State of the Union address, President Obama claimed: “(Women) make 77 cents for Letters to Editor 20 Feb
COLUMN: Don’t subjugate smokers with a majority rule Harrison Kleiner, guest columnist I applaud Ms. Frischknecht’s desire to let student voices be heard in the debate about the Columns 20 Feb
COLUMN: Just because we have a primary doesn’t mean we need to use it Andy Pierucci, columnist Count My Vote is an elitist initiative cloaked in the guise of populism. I’m sure many of Columns 20 Feb
COLUMN: What do the Olympics mean to the world? Briana Bowen, columnist Every four years, the world sets its eyes on a city festooned with flags of every nationality, Columns 17 Feb
COLUMN: Disney to be applauded for introducing same-sex family Paul Christiansen, columnist I’m not a person who frequents the Disney Channel for entertainment. I’m way past the days filled Columns 17 Feb
LETTER: Philanthropic and Planned Parenthood? Oxymoron David Nilson To the editor: I write in regards to the entirely inappropriate and very misleading use of the word Letters to Editor 17 Feb
COLUMN: The time my editors signed me up for Christian Mingle Logan Jones, staff writer Reciprocating a smile had never seemed so difficult. For those fortunate enough to be unfamiliar with Columns 14 Feb
COLUMN: Though rife with corruption, lobbyists are still necessary Lis Stewart, news editor Here’s the thing. I’m an absolute political junkie. Those who know me would say, “Well duh, Columns 12 Feb