LETTER: Diane Berger: Thank you The following letter, which was sent by Diane Berger to President Stan Albrecht, is printed with the permission of Letters to Editor 24 Jan
OUR VIEW: USU science funding is a good investment Later this month, Utah colleges and universities will duke it out in the capitol to earn eight-figured amounts of Editorial 24 Jan
OPINION: Don’t restrict firearm freedoms RICHARD WINTERS We are all devastated by tragedy. Columbine, Aurora and now the heartbreaking event in Newtown, Conn. always Columns 22 Jan
OUR VIEW: Emissions tests won’t curb valley pollution For many, improving air quality in Cache Valley poses thorny questions. The same beautiful mountains and climate we enjoy Editorial 22 Jan
OPINION: Fashion trumps compassion DANIELLE MANLEY Despite the great snow and fantastic snowboarding opportunities, the cold weather brings many discomforts and annoyances to Opinions 17 Jan
OUR VIEW: Ignorance a key factor in racism With Martin Luther King Jr. Day right around the corner, now would be a good time to reflect on Editorial 17 Jan
OPINION: It’s time to revisit US firearm laws Mike McPhie The recent shooting in Newtown, Connecticut was an unimaginable tragedy. The loss of 26 innocent children and Columns 15 Jan
LETTER: Get educated about inversion To the editor: Students: Welcome back to Cache Valley, famous for having the worst winter air quality in Letters to Editor 15 Jan
OUR VIEW: Higher ed emphasis needed for prosperity It was Epictetus who said, “Only the educated are free.” This quote is open to interpretation, but most analyze Editorial 15 Jan
OPINION: Sometimes you have to buy the textbook I am that student who places extreme confidence in my “winging it” skills at the beginning of each semester. Opinions 10 Jan