Opinion: Juries should be blind We shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but we always do. Jennifer Eberhardt of the Los Angeles Times and All 22 Oct
Opinion: Procrastination is worse than you think I would love to write about how amazing procrastination is and how it’s a refined art. Unfortunately, that is just All 18 Oct
Opinion: the U.S. should implement income-based fines Over the course of three years, billionaire Jeff Bezos paid $16,000 worth in parking violations while renovating one of his All 11 Oct
Opinion: CRT does not belong at USU In any epoch, there are countless examples where liberty perished because individuals did not have the courage to stand up All 11 Oct
Opinion: Get typed to save a life Lisa Joy is the aunt to seven-year-old Ray and the advocate behind Roar4Ray. Lisa details that,” [Ray] loves Legos, his dog, All 9 Oct
Opinion: Decriminalize marijuana Utah has over 6,000 arrests each year for a harmless crime. It results in thousands of dollars worth in fines All 27 Sep
Opinion: Required vaccinations will help us return to normal According to USUSA officials, the university’s vaccinations mandates will determine students’ registration for the upcoming spring semester. “Our university is All 20 Sep
Opinion: Visibility is not related to severity In elementary school, my class lined up outside the building in the morning while we waited to go inside. One All 20 Sep
Relying on us: student journalists and censorship Last semester, I spent four months working on a capstone project so I could graduate with a degree in history. All 1 Mar
Column: I fight for minority rights because I used to be what you are and have what you have. I know what we are missing. There are 3,052 graduate students at Utah State University and the primary graduate voter turnout was 243 — an incredibly All 26 Feb