Overcoming darkness: Katy Perry’s “Smile” During these six months in disarray due to COVID-19, artists have been hard at work, and global pop-star Katy Perry All 25 Aug
Review: S-Town I’m not the type of person who watches criminal minds or listens to murder mystery podcasts, but when a friend All 24 Aug
Local music in the midst of a global pandemic The pandemic has changed Utah’s music scene. Restrictions on large group gatherings have majorly affected the local music business, which All 21 Aug
The Killers save 2020 with “Imploding the Mirage” Moving is difficult especially when you’ve spent your whole life in one place. Take “Imploding the Mirage,” the brand new All 21 Aug
What makes a good book-to-film adaptation? From ancient myths to Shakespeare, stories are among humanity’s oldest art forms. Archetypal characters and motifs and audience’s desire for All 20 Aug
Monopolizing yourself The world runs on signals. The primary reason most of us obtain a college education is not actually because of All 18 Aug
Review: Utah State University I recently finished my final classes here at Utah State University. Having been raised by my Latter-day Saint, “Mormon” grandparents All 8 Aug
Review: Misterwives’ “Superbloom” In the midst of a global pandemic, music has been one of those things keeping us afloat. It’s hard to All 6 Aug
Umbrella Academy delivers a heartfelt and fast paced season two Do you remember that scene in “Into the Spider-Verse” when Peter B. Parker starts his backstory with, “Okay people, let’s All 5 Aug
Five reasons to own less “Own nothing! Possess nothing! Buddha and Christ taught us this, and the Stoics and the Cynics. Greedy though we are, All 2 Aug