First of all, I’m sorry. I’m sorry you got a rejection letter when you were hoping for an acceptance letter.
Student Life
As a fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I always crave more superhero-related content. I recently rewatched the “X-Men” series,
On Thursday, Utah State University students gathered on the quad to protest a proposed funding decrease for Aggie Blue Bikes.
One of my favorite popular tweets of late (from the dear @SAINTLIAR) says “being in your 20s is just going
Okay Valentines Day is over back to Halloween — space stepmom (@debatedebutante) February 15, 2021 the hot pocket when you
Choirs at Utah State University are taking new precautions to keep students safe while still giving them the opportunity to
Online school is boring. All I do is sit in my room and do school work on my laptop, so
“The Office”: You’re nice enough, but the majority of your humor probably comes from parroting other funny things you’ve heard.
I guess sometimes I tweet for god and god alone, this is funny you’re all just virgins and that’s not
Picture this: piles and piles of Cafe Rio meant to be serving 100 Aggies being eaten by a handful of