Student Life
Robbie Petersen said he learned to not take life for granted after being one of two survivors of a fatal
“When students talk to students, that’s when it clicks,” said Kay Forsyth, the program director for study abroad at Utah
Utah State University has had some changes in its Fun Fit Forever fitness program this year. The school year started
Ask any student sitting at the bus stop outside the Veterinary Science building and they’ll agree on at least one thing: the Cache Valley Transit District (CVTD) is an absolute nightmare to try and interpret.
How to survive the sheer craziness that is the Salt Lake City Comic Con.
Local swing dancing attracts students in crowds
(Photos are courtesy of USU Big Band Swing Club and were taken by Cody Cummings.)
If you think the library is only for checking out books or hotties, you’re wrong. The library has an abundance
Finding and determining one’s spiritual identity can be a heart-wrenching experience. But for four Utah State University students — all
Like many of you, my knowledge of Greek life is limited. And that’s exactly why I decided to rush.