12 Days of Christmas: Christmas Eve GIF list There’s only one more sleep until Christmas! We hope that all of you Aggies have a place to be this Lifestyles 24 Dec
12 Days of Christmas: traditions for young and old Handmade, homemade, and full of family, the Christmas season brings with it a variety of traditions. It just so happens Lifestyles 23 Dec
12 Days of Christmas: How the millennial killed Christmas Every generation in America liked Christmas a lot… But the millennial, with their avocados and student loans, did NOT! Lifestyles 22 Dec
12 Days of Christmas: “Baby it’s Cold Outside” “Baby it’s cold outside” isn’t all that bad, but still should be retired from the holiday playlist The popular holiday All 21 Dec
12 Days of Christmas: best gag gifts Win the holiday pranking season with these outrageous gag gifts Gag gifts, typically given during group holiday gift exchanges, are Lifestyles 20 Dec
12 Days of Christmas: dealing with the gifts you wish you hadn’t received We’ve all been there. It’s Christmas morning and we are opening up the next gift from a loving family member Lifestyles 19 Dec
12 Days of Christmas: movie GIF list Nothing signifies the approach of the holiday season quite like Christmas movies. These movies have been a part of holiday Lifestyles 18 Dec
12 days of Christmas: it’s beginning to look a lot like climate change Jack Frost may be nipping at your nose this season, but that doesn’t mean climate change isn’t really happening. A Lifestyles 17 Dec
12 days of Christmas: ugly sweaters The Uglier The Better: The Birth of The Ugly Christmas Sweater Wearing tacky and outrageous sweater that are considered “ugly” Lifestyles 16 Dec
Aggies celebrate holidays through finals Though final projects and exam reviews loom in the air, students at Utah State University found their holiday cheer at Lifestyles 15 Dec