CETC provides training options

Holly Hanson

The Cache Employment and Training Center provides adults and children with disabilities a way to learn independent living and social skills.

CETC is in its 40th year of operation, and recently won an award of excellence for being on the cutting edge of training and being the top running facility of its kind said Sandra Smith, lead coordinator for CETC.

Smith said the center offer many types of therapy as well as daily living skills. Some of the types of therapies offered are massage, music and pet therapy.

Mindi Hansen, an aide and graduate of music therapy at Utah State University said music therapy serves as a motivator.

“[Music therapy] is immediate reinforcement,” she said.

Pet therapy teaches skills such as ownership and responsibility.

Smith said a big part of CETC is teaching basic employment skills.

“The training is individually based. We help them find resources for a job and supported employment,” Smith said.

She said some of the companies who provide job opportunities are Wendy’s, Logan Transit District, and the city of Logan cleaning up parks.

CETC also provides a lot of community based programs such as family support and supported living. CETC is always breaking new ground, adding new programs, Smith said.

Smith said the staff at CETC is remarkable.

“It is not an easy job,” she said.

Some experience working with people with disabilities is required and additional training is provided. Other positions requiring a college degree in either social work or special education, Smith said.