
Chronic back problems common, preventable

Justin Berry

Back pain can come from a variety of causes and take on many forms, but in all cases, individuals should be aware of possible complications if the problems are not addressed.

For many people, the causes of back pain can be directly linked to the activities they are involved in. Work related complications can come from every angle and are not limited to manual labor.

Susan Doucette, a licensed physical therapist, said everyone is at risk. Individuals who work at computers or other jobs which require them to sit for long periods of time are just as at risk as those who lift or do other forms of manual labor.

She said back pain is currently one of the most common problems in the nation.

Doucette, who was certified to diagnose and treat spinal problems by the McKenzie Institute, classified back pain and problems into three categories; Dysfunctions, derangements and postural.

She said dysfunctions include sprains, strains, spasms and joint problems.

Derangements include herniated or bulging disks, tumors and stress fractures.

Postural problems deal with the way people sit or stand while working. She included lifting techniques in this category.

Dr. Brent A. Felix, Alpine Orthopedic Specialists, said many of the severe problems are the result of degeneration of the disks and facets, the small joints in the back of the spine.

“Chronic pain is usually from degeneration or wear and tear,” Felix said.

Genetics and manual labor can both lead to degeneration he said. Other factors can include being overweight or smoking.

Doucette said, “Smokers take longer to heal and it [smoking] can be bad for disk problems.”

Felix also sited problems with depression and anxiety as causes of back pain. When individuals are suffering from these problems, they have a harder time dealing with the onset of problems and can have a difficult time dealing with them, he said.

Treatment options for those with back problems are almost as varied as the causes.

Doucette said minor problems can be treated with anti-inflammatories and soft tissue mobilization such as massage therapy. Stretching and exercise can also help with the pain and stiffness.

“We treat with electrical stimulation. We do ice and we do heat,” she said.

She stressed posture education. People need to learn the proper way to keep their back, neck and elbows in the right positions in order to not add stress to the back and the muscles that support the spine, she said.

Prevention can best be accomplished with exercise, ergonomically correct workstations and good body mechanics and lifting techniques, she said.

Felix said correct diet and weight control also contribute to back health. A well-balanced diet keeps the body healthy, this includes backs, he said.

People should also try to lower their stress levels in order to reduce the effects on the back.

“Stress always makes back pain worse,” Doucette said.

Felix said once an individual starts to experience pain, they should consider seeing a doctor or physical therapist in order to properly treat the problem.

“Generally with chronic pain, they can do physical therapy or medication. These are the main things,” he said. “For degeneration of the spine, there is surgery.”

When surgery is used, the disk is removed and the two pieces of the spine are fused. The procedure immobilizes that joint, but can alleviate the pain, he said.

Many new solutions are being developed such as artificial disks, but Felix said these options will take years to complete.

Doucette said people should be conscious of their back problems.

“Once you have a back problem there is a 90 percent chance you will have a reoccurrence,” she said.

Exercise is one of the best preventions of back pain or reoccurring problems. But she stressed the need to be careful to do the correct exercise for the problem they are having, she said.

Many types of exercise can benefit most areas of the back while others can magnify the problem and make the situation worse, she said.

Doucette said it is important to have the problem elaluated by a physician or physical therapist.

Felix also stressed the need to seek professional help.

“If you develop back pain and it goes on for four to six weeks, go see someone to make sure there’s nothing more serious going on,” he said.