Civic Awareness Week encourages voting

Joseph M. Doughtery

No vote means no voice if students choose not to register to vote this week.

This week is Civic Awareness Week at Utah State University and it will involve activities and forums to encourage students to get involved in the upcoming mayoral and city council elections, said Celestial Bybee, executive vice president of Associated Students of Utah State University.

Students can meet the candidates for the Logan City Council in the Sunburst Lounge today. Free Aggie ice cream and prizes will be distributed at noon. Students can also meet the candidates for the Logan City Council.

Students who have never voted or who will be 18 years of age by Oct. 2, should register to vote. Those who have moved out of one voting precinct to another and students who have not voted in a general or municipal election in the past four years should also register.

A mayoral forum will be held in the Sunburst Lounge on Tuesday. Students will get a chance to meet the candidates and receive information packets about their platforms.

The film, Finding Forrester will be shown in the Kent Concert Hall Wednesday at 8 p.m. Entry cost will be $1 per person, which will be donated to the Inaugural Scholarship Fund. A registration voter table will also be available for students to register.

Herman Boone, head coach featured in the film Remember the Titans will speak at ASUSU’s convocation series Thursday at 1:30 p.m. in the TSC Ballroom. The voter registration table will also be available before and after his speech.