CLOUMN: Get involved, join a ASUSU committee

Celestial Star Bybee Executive Vice President-elect ASUSU

I was recently elected to be the Associated Students of Utah State University’s new executive vice president for 2001-2002. As executive vice president, my main responsibility is student-interest lobbying. I’m in charge of helping students become aware of what goes on in government issues on the city and state level, including informing students about someone running for city or state office, or letting students know what bills, resolutions or issues are being brought up in government.

Over the year, I will also need to find out what USU students want from the state government so I can take those interests to the Capitol and lobby (sort of beg and plead) our case to the senators and representatives, who vote on where all the money goes. I can in no way do this alone!

Over this last month the ASUSU officers-elect have been training as a group, meeting with advisers and meeting one-on-one with our predecessors. In many ways the ASUSU officers-elect are already working hard and are starting to understand our many responsibilities to the student body and administration. The new officers will be sworn into office on April 10, but even then the learning and training will never end.

All ASUSU elected officers serve as committee chairs, and at the present time are putting committees together or already have. As executive vice president, I will be lucky enough to chair the Public Affairs Board or PAB. This is the group of students that helps me carry out responsibilities with student interest lobbying.

PAB is split up into four different areas: city, state, university and forums and platforms. Each group has a different area in which it works, but all four are liaisons between students and some form of government. The job of PAB is to help students be informed on government issues, to get student input and help students be involved in taking action.

What a lot of students don’t understand is how valuable their voice really is in a democratic society. I don’t claim to know everything about the United States political process, but one thing I do know is that every voice does matter. Not because of a name, race or background, but just because they are citizens of the United States and that is the way it is for every American. It is more than a responsibility for Americans to get involved in what goes on in the governing body, it is a privilege that makes our country prestigious.

I would love to have as many students as possible on Public Affairs Board this next year, and if not involved in my committee, then in one of the college government parties (i.e. College Republicans, ECOS, the Green Party or Democrats), or both. To find out more about PAB, I will be holding an interest meeting April 12 at 8 p.m. on the third floor of the Taggart Student Center. If you can’t make it, applications will be available on the third floor of the TSC, Room 326. If you are at all interested, please come and learn about ways you can get involved. There are also 19 other officers with committees that need to be formed. If you are interested in any of the ASUSU committees, come to Room 326 and just ask.

As a member of next year’s Executive Council, I want to assure you that you have elected an excellent council led by an amazing president. Steve Palmer is already doing an outstanding job. Next year can be a phenomenal one for the Associated Students of Utah State University – and that means all students.

As a council we are going to make ourselves as visible to you with each of our respective offices and responsibilities, but we need your help. Thank you for your support thus far, and please know we are representing and working for you. Utah State will see many changes during the upcoming year, and I feel it a great honor to be a part of that. Thank you.

Celestial Star Bybee will be the executive vice president for ASUSU starting Fall Semester. Comments may be e-mailed to her at