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Marcos Suarez: first generation graduate

Marcos Suarez, a student attending Utah State University Eastern, is expected to graduate from the College of Humanities and Social Science at the upcoming spring commencement. 

Suarez is finishing his fourth year and will earn a bachelor’s degree in social work with a minor in mental health advocacy and awareness. 

While he was born in California, Suarez spent several years living in Mexico before moving to Utah with his family when he was nine years old. He’s lived in the state ever since and decided to go to Price for college. 

Suarez said he’s loved his time attending the Eastern campus. 

“It’s been amazing,” Suarez said. “I have nothing but great things to say about it.” 

One of the things that Suarez highlighted about Price is the community.  

“I love how inclusive it is,” Suarez said. “You really become a family. Because our campus is so much smaller than the main campus, you become familiar with everyone. 

Additionally, Suarez spoke highly of the faculty at Eastern, specifically in the social work department. 

“They’re very student oriented,” Suarez said. “Specifically in the social work department. They do a great job.” 

Outside of academics, Suarez has been involved with soccer, volunteer work and student leadership. He served as president of the Latino Student Association and on the Eastern Utah Student Association. 

Suarez said the experiences he’s had with on-campus involvement has been beneficial and allowed him to grow. 

“They’ve allowed me to expand my knowledge and become more open-minded,” Suarez said. “I’ve also been able to work with a variety of people that I hadn’t previously had experience with.” 

Suarez also describes himself as an adventurous person. In his free time, he enjoys mountain biking, Spikeball and being outdoors. 

According to Suarez, his biggest accomplishment while attending Eastern will be completing his undergraduate degree, as Suarez is a first-generation college student. 

Suarez said being a first-generation college student is hard at times, but shared encouragement for others who might also share that experience. 

“It’s hard. When you encounter those roadblocks in your life, just know that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel,” he said. 

Suarez also cited involvement in school and the opportunity to network as being motivating factors that helped him get through his education. 

“If you’re involved and you network, I think that’s the biggest thing,” Suarez said. “First, anything is possible. Second, network.” 

Michelle Mooney, Suarez’ student government adviser, further highlighted his accomplishment during his time at Eastern. 

“Marcos is a dedicated and passionate person who gives his all to everything he does,” Mooney wrote about Suarez. “There is no doubt that he will represent the university as a proud alumni.” 

Mooney also wrote that Suarez will continue to impact the lives of others, both on and off campus. 

After finishing his degree in social work, Suarez intends on obtaining a master’s in social work. He has been accepted into both the programs at USU and The Ohio State University. 

Lastly, Suarez shared his parting thoughts on what it means to be both a USU Eastern Golden Eagle and an Aggie. 

“I’m an Eagle, but I’m an Aggie as well,” Suarez said. “I can see both sides, both communities that we have. I think the best thing is to unite them as one.”

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