College senators report on goals



Jarvis Pace 

Agriculture senator

Platform: Build upon the deeply rooted traditions in the College of Agriculture by learning from the past and making changes

“One of my big things was to restructure the council and kind of make sure the Ag Council is kind of put more in the forefront.”

Unify the different clubs in the College of Agriculture by increased communication

“I established two club reps on my council, and they’re in charge of having club meetings once or twice a month — whatever they see fit — and making sure they attend those meetings and I feel its been very successful. Those meetings have kind of been in place in the past, but I definitely pushed it this year.”


Mary Jacobson

Arts senator


Platform: Unite the Caine College of the Arts

“I did a banquet for “Intro to the Arts” (and) invited the vice president and president (and) all deans and club members and … gave them an introduction to the different departments and so that way they’re more apt to be involved.”

Involve the students in making decisions

“I’ve tried to make myself available to the students and let them know whats going on by emailing the college, by creating the Facebook page so they know what’s happening and how they can voice their opinion. Every time I talk to people, if they have even the smallest concern, I try to find a solution.”


Scot Marsden

Business senator


Platform: Implement a new job shadow and networking program

“We started to prepare for the job-shadow (and) networking program, but then with a lot of feedback from students and the Administration, they thought that it would be more effective to do an expansion to the career exploration program.”

Decrease online tuition

“I had no idea how big of an issue that was in terms of decreasing the cost of online tuition, and that’s not something alone that I can control, and I didn’t have that much vision. We did bring it up last semester as a Senate, but we haven’t been able to make any progress or changes in terms of decreasing.”


Riley Bradshaw

Engineering senator


Platform: Work behind the scenes to give students the best possible experience in the College of Engineering

“I found out that that’s really hard in the College of Engineering, just because what one person deems as the ideal experience is completely different from what another student experiences. We have a lot of students that want to get involved and want to make that a huge part of their education experience. (Others) just come to school, go to class and then leave, because they work or they support a family or all kinds of things like that.”


Joe Watson          

Science senator


Platform: Bring prestige to the college and our university

“The main goal that I had was to set an example for future years in this senate position to kind of step away from programming. We spend so much time trying to program when we already have dedicated programmers. So I was kind of thinking, ‘Why the heck are we programming so much?’

“I think that just getting involved with the Dean and showing him that I do care about the students has kind of, in effect, brought that prestige to the undergraduates, even just in the slightest. I mean, I’m not saying I’ve made a huge impact there, but I also think I’ve kind of opened the door more than gone down a path.”


Blake Thomas    

Natural Resources senator


Platform: Bring greater unity within our diverse college

“I feel like in the college there’s always been a little bit of lines drawn between the different departments within our college, which is a lot of difference in lifestyle. I tried with Natural Resources Week to have projects that would be of interest to each different club or department and bring them together in that sense, and then also just helping to advertise.

   “I tried having emails or other things like that to keep everyone together or on the same page. And one thing that isn’t completed yet that I’m working on and hope to see done before I finish is to have more of a student body calendar within the CNR.”



CHASS senator


Platform: Create unity within the college

“One of the things that we do is called the Student Giving Campaign, and this is something that no other college is doing.”

Create a comfortable climate where students can voice their concerns through a Facebook page

“We have a Facebook page. We also have two Twitter accounts, and then we also have a blog that my PR chairs do, as well. It’s all about creating outlets, so people know what’s going on. I still want to work with the dean to get some sort of drop box, but that’s one thing that’s in the works right now.”



Education senator


Platform: Let students know that the College of Education is a great place

“One of my main goals as being a senator was to do more events and kind of get the name of the College of Education and Human Services out. In the past, people didn’t even know that we had an Education Week, that we’re College of Education students.

   “The thing I wanted to do was first of all involve students in what the council is doing and also let the students know they have a voice, too. One of the things I did was the A frame that’s in the Education
Building lobby. We have posted up questions throughout the year, and it’s on a chalkboard, and chalk’s there for students to write comments on it or anything like that, and that’s been a huge hit.”