COLUMN: A few of my least favorite things

Clark Jessop

To balance all of the good spirit going around this time of year, I thought I would take a moment to gripe.

The first thing that comes to mind as the semester wraps up is teacher evaluations. I can see why some kind of feedback is important. But let’s be honest, if they excluded the question that asks you to rate the teacher’s “use of examples if/when necessary,” would it change anything?

They take the question “is your teacher good?” and then reword it 25 times. I even had to fill one out for my flag football class.

Besides having to put up with teacher evaluations this time of year, we also have to put up with the “Nutcracker.”

Every Thanksgiving, I wonder why we only cook a turkey once a year. With turkey, I’m kind of like a dog. I would eat myself to death if somebody didn’t stop me.

And then there’s the “Nutcracker.” Nobody wonders why that only comes around once a year.

Being married, you have to make some trade-offs. I watch “The Bachelor” with her, she watches the Broncos with me.

But I would rather fill out teacher evaluations 24 hours a day for a week than have to endure two hours of the “Nutcracker.” It all comes from my age-old belief that men just shouldn’t do things like that.

I consider myself to be rather open-minded. Watching “The Bachelor,” performing in musicals, even shedding a few tears every now and then is OK. You can still hold your head up high and say with pride, “I’m a man.”

But when you wear skin-tight outfits while jumping around the stage like a little girl, that’s where I leave you.

So here are my suggestions. I’m not one to whine without offering a solution.

With the teacher evaluations, draw a big smiley face if the class was good, a straight face if the class was OK, and a big frown if the class wasn’t so good. Add tears coming from the eyes if necessary.

As for the “Nutcracker, “please don’t go. A clear message needs to be sent to the tight-wearing community that here in Logan, such behavior just won’t be


Clark Jessop is a senior majoring in broadcast journalism. Comments from Nutcracker fans can be sent to