COLUMN: ASUSU Elections are a chance for learning

Andrea Ekins

My thoughts take me back to this time just one year ago. With feelings of anxiety, nervousness and excitement, I took a deep breath and told myself that something good would come from this.

Running for a student body office was something I always wanted to do. And I knew that I would regret it if I didn’t at least try. Try I did, and what an experience I gained. During the 2002-03 ASUSU Elections, I met a lot of good people, learned a lot about myself and discovered what I truly stood for.

Serving in a student government position has taught me several values. It has expanded my “legislative mind” and opened my eyes more to justice, fairness and peace.

For those candidates who will be campaigning for office these next two weeks, I have one thing to say to you, “BE WHAT YOU WANT, BUT ALWAYS BE YOU.”

If you want my vote, you have got to be sincere and true to yourself as well as to the goals/platforms you stand by.

Give the election process your best shot and I guarantee you won’t walk away with any regrets, whether you win or lose the vote. I commend each of you candidates for taking the opportunity to let your voice be heard. Best of luck to you in your venture. And to everyone else, vote for your future representatives.

Andrea Ekins is the College of Family Life senator. Comments can be sent to