COLUMN: Celebrating Valentine’s Day Utah State Style



So it’s Valentine’s Day, and I have a special night planned for me and my Valentine. 

She’s not going anywhere. I’m going to come to her.

Some say she has horrible fashion sense. She’s always wearing weird shades of green, yellow, orange and red. However, when something big is happening, it’s all blue for her.

She may be a little big, but she has to be. How else is she going to fit all those people?

It doesn’t bother me that she’s going to be spending the night with thousands of other people. I know that’s just part of what makes her special.

She can be loud and annoying to some people, but most people I know love the way she sounds and what she says.

While our actual date may only last two hours, I’ll probably be near her for six or seven hours. Not in a creepy way, though. We’re just hanging out.

On the outside she can be cold, but it just makes her feel warmer in the end.

It’s been almost three weeks since I’ve been with her, but I know I won’t miss a beat with our timing and our inside jokes.

In case it isn’t totally obvious yet, my date tonight is with the Spectrum – the premiere basketball venue west of the Mississippi, maybe even the entire world – and I can’t remember being more excited for February 14.

It’s almost been a long-distance relationship between me and the Spectrum these past few weeks with the Aggies being on the road, but they’re back, and we get to fill the Spectrum again.

Some people’s idea of a great Valentine’s Day is to go to a fancy dinner and wear fancy clothes. For me though, I’ll wear my Aggie blue and probably go to Angie’s with my crew after a sweet Aggie victory.

Some people practice some smooth lines to throw at their date. I, on the other hand, practice cheers and maybe a few insults to hurl at the other team. It just feels right.

Other people might go watch a romantic movie. I’ll go ahead and watch Spencer Butterfield drain treys and Jarred “The ChainShaw” Shaw dominate the post.

I’ll spend my Valentine’s Day with 10,269 other people. You should, too.


– Sean O’Sullivan is an avid Aggies, Sharks and 49ers fan. A print journalism major, he hopes to be a hockey writer. His favorite place on earth is section F in the Spectrum. Send comments to and follow him on Twitter: @seansy89