COLUMN: College of HASS plans activities for year

Bethany Allen

Hello HASS. I am so excited to be associated with the largest, most diverse, most intelligent, best-looking college on campus.

Some ask our college, “What do you do?” To them I answer “What don’t we do?” The College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences has a lot to offer. From the faculty and staff to our advising and programming, we have it all. Our strength is our diversity, and we have a lot to offer Utah State University and the community. Our students are self-motivated, creative, hard-working thinkers, and I want to know how best to serve you. Please let me know how I can make your year outstanding.

For starters, the year has gotten off on the right foot with our new dean, Liz Grobsmith, who is already doing a great job. Dean Grobsmith is very educated about our college and the problems we face as students. She’s very student-centered and approachable. It is exciting to work with her and USU is lucky to have her. Welcome to USU Dean Grobsmith.

The HASS Executive Student Council has been chosen and is more fun than a barrel of monkeys. We have an amazing council with 11 of the smartest, funniest and craziest people in the college. The vice-presidents are, in no particular order, Copy Ed 10/2/01 Name? CT Larsen, Sarah Timms, Mica McKinney, Neil Abercrombie, Leslie Hadfield, Ann Wilde, Cory Davidson, Jared Hales, Megan Lichty, Nick Watts and Kayla Andersen.

The general council is ready to get started on great things. We are planning some incredible programs, including networking opportunities, chances to chill with your professors, a way to voice your concerns, a student-of-the-month spotlight and ways to let you know what all of the clubs in HASS are up to. HASS Student Council will also be participating in all of the Homecoming festivities, including the parade and the tailgate party. If you want to join us, please get a hold of me. It will be more fun than a pool of green Jell-O.

Of course, we will continue some traditions like Poe In The Dark (watch for it at the end of this month), Dinner With 12 Strangers and HASS Week. We also want to add some new and improved programming like a midnight 5-K run fundraiser and a Christmas study break. If you still want to apply for council, you can pick up an application in the Taggart Student Center, Room 326, and one of the vice presidents will get a hold of you.

We’re also going on the web, so stay tuned for all kinds of information coming via the HASS Web site. There will be information on how to get involved, what all of the clubs in HASS are up to, who your departmental ambassador is and how to get a hold of your representatives.

Finally, I want to say thank you to anyone and everyone who contributed to the efforts of the Associated Students of USU Executive Council to raise money for the Inaugural Scholarship. I have realized how important it is to give back to the university. As a member of HASS, a college that doesn’t have a lot of money, I have personally seen how crucial it is to give back to help others who follow. Thanks for your support.

Please feel free to stop by my office (TSC, Room 327) to talk about any concerns, questions or suggestions. My office hours are: Monday 12:30 to 3:30 p.m.; Tuesday 2 to 4 p.m.; Wednesday 2 to 4 p.m.; Thursday 1 to 4 p.m. and by appointment. You can also contact me at 797-7443 or Now there’s no excuse for not telling me what you need.

So look out USU, because so far this year, the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences has boldly stepped forth to show we have all the world HASS to offer.