COLUMN: Computer classes don’t mean computers

Danielle Hegsted

It’s 7:30 a.m. and I am heading off to the Eccles Business Building to take my first class of the semester.

The class is called BIS 2450 and covers spreadsheets and databases. Essentially, by May, I should know everything from creating pie charts with exploding pieces to querying a database.

Imagine my surprise when I walked into the room that morning and saw exactly one computer. One. How odd, I thought this was a computer class.

My teacher gives 110 percent every day. He is interesting to listen to and he knows his material, but there is one slight problem.

For those of us dummies who have done little in Excel (that’s the spreadsheet software program we are learning about), we have to struggle a bit and must pay close attention.

And if we didn’t know a key stroke or a menu command before class, we better write it down and put big stars by it. More than likely we won’t know it when we get to doing our homework either.

Some people learn by watching, I know. And for them, this class would be great, except for the fact we can’t see the keyboard the teacher is using, so you have to listen closely to what shortcut keys he is pushing.

But I also know many learn by doing and by copying what the teacher does. Humans learn by repetition. I am a firm believer that concepts are mastered better when given the opportunity to perform them yourself.

I guarantee test scores would increase and so would the attention level in the classroom if we could just sit at computers during computer class (novel concept I know).

When students, or anyone for that matter, are actively participating, they are more alert.

Think about this for a moment: Would you expect to go take a drawing class and not have a pencil or drawing pad? Or how about going to your calculus class and not being able to do the problems along with the teacher? Get the picture? It wouldn’t work.

When I go out into the real world, I will probably not be using all the same software I used at Utah State University. But the knowledge base I receive through my classes will be valuable for a couple of reasons.

First, once you know what a type of program is capable of, you can use it to its full advantage, no matter the specific program. And second, just getting on a computer, troubleshooting and learning not to be scared of it is a valuable asset.

But on the flip side, do you think when I start my career I am going to have to learn software programs without a computer? No. More than likely, I will mess around with the program until I can get it to do what I want it to do.

Our setup right now is just not realistic or efficient.