COLUMN: Concerts just bring out the mother in me

Julie Ann Grosshans

Sometimes I think I’m getting too old for this — standing outside three hours before the doors even open and then coming home with my clothes drenched from sweat.

Yes, I’m talking about my concert experience.

These aren’t you’re typical Delta Center concerts where you have an assigned seat and its more impersonal than your English 2010 class.

Club X-scape — that’s what it’s all about.

Last Friday my little brother, Kevin, called and asked if I wanted to go see American Hi-Fi with him on Saturday. He knew I would say yes, plus he’d probably get a free dinner out of it.

Around 4 p.m. (the concert was scheduled to start at 7:30 p.m.) Saturday afternoon we left Layton for Salt Lake. We stood outside until close to 7:30, leading up to the expected late start.

We walked downstairs at X-scape and promptly found our way to the front row. It was weird though. There was no bar to keep us from going on stage and no security guards to glare at us.

We were ready.

The first band, Trouble Is, pumped the crowd up, but it was nothing like what was up next.

During Early November and Allistar we were all but pushed on stage because of the moshing behind us.

Now, I may be engaged, but I am nowhere near ready to be a mother. But for some reason when I’m with my brother at a concert a motherly tendency comes about me.

Keep in mind, Kevin isn’t all that little — yes, he’s a stick figure, but he’s 18 and can fend for himself.

But instead of simply enjoying the concert, I spend a good deal of time taking care of him.

“Are you OK, Kevin?”

“Can you see OK, Kevin?”

“Are you comfortable, Kevin?”

“Are you too hot, Kevin?”

“Do you need some water, Kevin?”

And every other thing you wouldn’t want to hear your mother say to you while listening to your favorite band.

I can’t help it.

Remember when you would go to Lagoon when you were little and your mom had to set up a meeting spot, say the Terror Ride near the front entrance, just in case you got lost? Yup, I did that, too.

“Kevin, if for some reason we get separated, meet me at the merchandise stand.”

And I don’t want to say Kevin took advantage of me, but what guy would carry a purse to a concert? That’s where I come in — the ultimate, “Will you hold this?” person.

Now don’t get me wrong, I had so much fun at the concert. We met Stacy Jones, American Hi-Fi’s lead singer, as well as the rest of the band.

In fact, I had a blast.

But who wouldn’t want to protect her “little” brother. I know my concert-going days are far from over — despite feeling like the oldest one there — and mothering my brother is just beginning … he’s going to be a freshman at Utah State in the fall.

Julie Ann Grosshans is a senior majoring in print journalism. She is the sports editor at The Statesman. Comments can be sent to