COLUMN: Cougar fans should go to BYU, not Utah State


In case you’ve been living under a rock, Utah State plays Brigham Young University in football, Friday.

Now, I don’t condone violence, but I will not refrain from laughing my butt off if I see someone wearing a BYU shirt get domed by an empty Gatorade bottle as they walk across campus this week.

For example, there is a guy in a history class of mine who wears a BYU hat every day. This sort of stupidity screams for a true-blooded Aggie to snatch it off of his head and flush it down a toilet. By the way, my class is meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the Education Building from 1:30-2:30 p.m. and anyone who actually performed such a heroic act would earn all sorts of props.

There are too many people in Logan who think they need to support Cougar athletics to be a worthy member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is false doctrine.

I hate looking in store windows and seeing a blanket with the right blue but the wrong logo for sale. There should not even be a market for merchandise with “Y” logos in Logan.

Speaking of the right blue, who gave BYU the right to steal Utah State’s school colors? Last time I checked, theft is against the honor code. Does USU get a cut of the cash from all the Aggie-blue T-shirt sales going on in Provo?

BYU would be nothing without the help of USU. Do Cougar fans even realize LaVell Edwards, the man who built the entire BYU football program, is in fact an Aggie?

Earlier, I read an article about Logan High School quarterback DJ Nelson’s recent committal to play football at Utah State. This news makes me happy, but I can’t help but shudder in memory of his older brother who shall not be named in this column.

Nelson’s brother was thought of as the savior of USU football during the Brent Guy era. I remember watching Nelson’s brother make his first collegiate start against Fresno State, Oct. 7, 2006. I remember watching Nelson’s brother throw a 30-yard touchdown pass with 55 seconds left in the game to win, 13-12, and be carried off the field on the team’s shoulders. I remember Nelson’s brother leaving to serve an LDS mission later going to football at BYU.

DJ, if you pull the same dirtbag move your brother did, you and your surname will be hated at Utah State forever.

All of you closet BYU fans, shame on you. Let’s just get one thing straight; if you don’t love the spot where the sagebrush grows, go to BYU — Provo or Rexburg.

But if you love this university as much as I do, show your pride and be an Aggie.

Tavin Stucki is a sophomore majoring in print journalism. He is the sports editor for The Utah Statesman and writes USU football stories for He is an avid Aggie fan and has been since birth. Follow his Twitter feed @tavinstucki for football updates. Send any comments to