COLUMN: Elections — Are you running?

Kristen Taylor

As this time of year rolls around, each of us is excited about something — whether it’s graduation, spring, or ELECTIONS! In this democratic society we live in, we have the chance to select those who will lead our country, our state and our university. We also have the opportunity to decide if we want to be a candidate for office.

Famous basketball coach John Wooden once said, “The goal in life is just the same as in basketball. Make the effort to do the best you are capable of doing — in marriage, at your job, in the community, for your country. Make the effort to contribute in whatever way you can. You may do it materially or with time, ideas or work. Making the effort is what counts in everything.” There are so many USU students who have the talent and ability to be leaders of the school. And some of those USU students are sitting on the fence, weighing the pros and cons of if you should run or if you shouldn’t; and to you I say — run! What a great opportunity to see what you’re really made of and to do the best you are capable of doing.

In politics there are two types of people — those who are in it for themselves and those who are in it for their country, state or university. Don’t run because you think it’s a popularity contest. Don’t run because you are power hungry. Run for the right reasons. Run because you genuinely want to help the university. Run because you have good ideas to better the university. Run because you want to.

If you are thinking of running and haven’t already done so, pick up an elections packet in the Taggart Student Center, Room 326. This packet will answer a lot of questions you may have. May I also suggest that if you are thinking of running, contact one of the current ASUSU officers — they can all be located on the third floor of the TSC and they are all more than happy to talk to you.

A very influential, political woman, Eleanor Roosevelt said, “You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

I challenge each of you to do the thing you think you cannot do — especially if that challenge is running for an ASUSU office. Even if you aren’t interested in running, I encourage you to be involved with the upcoming elections and to really get to know the candidates and most importantly to vote.

Kristen Taylor is the business senator. Comments can be sent to