Column: Engineers – we aren’t just geeks

Adam Jones

Engineering Week is upon us, and I just wanted to take the time to mention to the students, faculty, and staff, Marv-n-Joes are on sale at Hazels in The Hub for $1 plus 7 cents tax.

To all of you who are unaware of what Marv-n-Joes are, I will let you now the way it was put to me by a friendly Activities VP Tara Bradshaw. If you like tomatoes, provolone cheese, and bread then Marv-n-Joes are up your alley. They are so well-known during Engineering Week because the inventors of these tasty morsels just happen to be professors within the College of Engineering, Marvin Halling and Joe Caliendo. Let us take a brief moment to pay homage to these two great pioneers.

This brings to mind another thought that has been mulling over in my mind. Why is it that engineers are avoided and scoffed at, yet each day many of us – if not all – use products engineers design and manufacture? The classic story of the student who hands out her cell phone number to everyone possible, allowing this student to become the talk of the town. Yet the engineers who designed this product receive no recognition for helping this individual gain status. Copy Ed 2/24/04 who wrote this? It needs work.

Engineers are referred to as geeks, nerds, and well, almost anything else you can think of. However, to us, engineering is a way of life. Engineering is life. Take some time this week to talk to an engineer and you will find that we are not the nerds and geeks we are portrayed to be. The classic saying is, “one day that so called nerd or geek is going to be your boss and then you will have no choice but to talk to us.”

As for the College of Natural Resources, we find your smell in comparison to that of a skunk. Thank you for taking the time to visit our new building earlier this school year. However, next time you come to visit our building we would ask that you invest in some different cologne. To those of you who are unaware of the smell that the College of Natural Resources so graciously shared with us, feel free to e-mail them for a free sample. We just want CNR to know that we enjoy your company on days you have showered.Ed in Chief 2/24/04 Get a load of this last paragraph…does it make any sense. Unfortunately, yes.

This Thursday evening starting at 5:30 p.m. in our new building, we will be sharing some of the activities we like to participate in. We will be having a pinewood derby, robotics competition, water bottle rockets, calculator quick draw and many other competitions.

We invite all members of campus to come and join us on this festive evening. Just one quick side note, we celebrate Engineering Week in February during the week of President George Washington’s birthday, for as we all know – he was the first engineer in our great nation.

Comments can be sent to Engineering senator Adam Jones at