COLUMN: Fall leaves are to be enjoyed this season

Christine Bastian

The seasons are changing again – summer to autumn, bathing the world in crimson and gold. It’s the ideal time to be in nature, watching the transformation. But, the question may have come to your minds – where to go to see it happen?

“Up the canyon,” was the identical response from runners Jo Hanson, a sophomore in human family development and Kristin Hoffman, a sophomore in nursing. When asked to specify, it was discovered there are endless canyons – Sardine Canyon, Green Canyon, Logan Canyon. To be brief, pick a mountain, pick a canyon, and it will lead to gorgeous fall leaves.

If you are pressed for time, never fear, you can still see the autumnal splendors as you walk to class. The north wall of the University Inn is covered with ivy. And, as the air gets crisper, the leaves change to a plethora of shades that will strike you as simply beautiful. The east side of the Chase Fine Arts Center – closest to the street – has ivy that will produce a similar effect for your enjoyment.

Now that we’ve established where, let’s talk about when. Mid-afternoon has proven both too hot and too bright. But, at sunset, as the sun creeps below the horizon and flings its magnificent color into the skies, it sets off and deepens the leaves, the bushes, the very air, surrounding you in the warm hues of autumn. Sunrise can be equally beautiful, just colder.

With where and when covered, why and how should be defined as well.

So, why would you look at fall leaves? What reason would you have? Because life is beautiful. To sit outside in the crisp air of autumn, hearing the crunching of emblazoned leaves as the world walks by. To freeze oneself in a moment of observation. The rich browns, golds, and reds of autumnal splendor all around you. It’s a chocolate world in the Fall. Sweet and smooth and comfortable. A season of warm wool sweaters and hot cocoa as you read by the glow of heat swelling from the fireplace.

The trees let go of their leaves – a way of letting one’s hair down and being exposed to the world. The earth has moods just like everything else. In Autumn, the earth is blunt and opinionated. She doesn’t feel like dressing up in flowers or leaves of deep green. She transforms herself and prepares for a fresh start. The earth relaxes into warm colors and cold breezes.

Finally, how do we look at nature? Well, you look at nature. Not just at a glance, but by taking the time to really see its unique beauty. We live in a rushed and busy world, becoming programmed into our strict routine of life. We need to stop once in a while and just breathe, just be. Then can we notice this breathtaking universe all around us.

Don’t take it for granted – really look at it. Remove the glaze from over your eyes and see. See yourself, see your world, see your life as it is, and not just what it seems to be. Because until you deepen your existence and delve into your heart and understand why you’re here and what you are doing, it’s just life, they’re just leaves and you’re just reading.

So, take some time to think and enjoy the season before it’s over. And if you do, I guarantee a smile.

Christine Bastian is a sophomore English major at Utah State University. She can be reached at