COLUMN: Fall TV viewing and cable offer escape

Dustin Willmore

Fall is just around the corner, which means for all television guru maniacs that need an outlet, there is a plethora of shows coming your way.

I could make a huge long list of what to look for or just direct you to go to and click on the TV link, giving you an excellent guide for the shows you want and when they’re on.

Personally, I try to devour as much of the “Boob Tube” as possible. If you can afford it and have roommates who are willing to split the cost, I recommend getting the expanded-basic cable package which will run you around $20 per month until the end of the year. Starting in January, it will go up to about $33 per month.

Ouch is right!

For most of us who are financially savvy, that’s enough to buy food for one month – so I’ve heard. Anyway, upon purchasing the expanded basic package, you will have access to about 64 channels, including some of my favorites, and of course, those informative channels, which are not too shabby. Here is a list of some channels: CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX, TVGuide, C-SPAN, CNN, History, Travel, Superstation, TNT, MTV, VH1, MSNBC, ESPN and Comedy Central.

Now, I’m guessing a moderately good portion of college students can’t wait to see what happens to the cast of Friends.

If I remember correctly, someone just found a pregnancy test in the trash receptacle. I wonder who will be toting around a future cast member.

Some shows to watch for that may strike your fancy are the reality shows: Lost, The Amazing Race, Fear Factor and other shows like The West Wing, Once and Again, ER and Will and Grace.

So, if you need that escape or outlet that takes you away from all the hustle and bustle of school life and that blessed homework which seems to get bigger and bigger on your desk, make yourself some snacks, invite your friends over and kick back, relax for a couple hours and enjoy your favorite shows.

While most shows for this fall’s line-up don’t start for a couple of weeks, you still have time to purchase that cable package. And if the expanded basic is too much, they offer a basic package for approximately $8.

There it is folks, all you ever wanted to know about television-NOT. Granted, I’m a television guru in the making and there is still more to come, but it’s a start, OK. It’s a start.

Dustin Willmore is a senior at Utah State University studying public relations. He is an avid television and movie connoisseur. Comments can be sent to