COLUMN: Get engulfed by Homecoming traditions

David Osmond

It’s that time again, the time to ask that special someone to the annual Homecoming Dance – maybe for a fun-filled experience, maybe a relationship-building night, or you might have the thought etched in the back of your head “True Aggie Night,” and the midnight kiss. Whatever the motive, I’ll see you there. But let’s not forget everything else that is going on throughout the week.

During this year’s Homecoming activities, catch that Aggie pride and participate in our activities. Thursday is the ASUSU Forum and free Aggie Ice Cream, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Taggart Student Center Sunburst Lounge. The ASUSU Executive Council will be on hand to answer questions and hear student concerns. Following the forum, Paul Hawken, an environmentalist, journalist and author, will be the featured Arts and Lectures convocation speaker. Hear first-hand how his experiences have inspired CEOs to transform their internal corporate culture and business philosophies.

Then, get ready for the biggest blockbuster of the summer, “Pirates of the Caribbean,” to be shown in the Kent Concert Hall. Two showings are available at 6 and 9 p.m. Please pick up your free tickets in the TSC Ticket Office. Don’t forget to dress up as your favorite pirate and enjoy the show.

Friday evening, it’s Cinderella’s turn at the ball for the annual Homecoming Dance. Treat that special someone to an elegant evening. Four dance halls with live DJ’s, bands and the Crestmark Orchestra will be available. Tickets are available for $18 per couple, and at the door for $20 per couple. Then, head over to the A for True Aggie Night at midnight. Juan Franco, the new vice-president of student services, will be there … will you?

Saturday, Run With the Elephants at the annual Homecoming 5K Run, sponsored by ASUSU and USU College Republicans. Registration is currently taking place in the TSC, Room 326, or at 8:30 a.m. the morning of the race. Stick around for the parade at 10 a.m., then show Cache Valley how much you love Utah State by cheering on your Aggies as they take on the Wyoming Cowboys at 6:05 p.m. in Romney Stadium. And, for the first time, Fireworks West will be doing a free 20 to 30 minute firework show following the game.

Finally, to cap the week off, a free party in the TSC. Music, dancing, live DJ’s, blow-up toys and the mechanical bull will accompany tons of free prizes. Don’t miss out!

Now that we’ve been in school for about one and one-half months, I hope every Utah State student has caught the Aggie pride that emanates from this university. This is only my second year here, but I’ve had Blue blood in my veins my entire life.

David Osmond is the ASUSU oganization and traditions vice president. Comments can be sent to

It’s that time again, the time to ask that special someone to the annual Homecoming Dance – maybe for a fun-filled experience, maybe a relationship-building night, or you might have the thought etched in the back of your head “True Aggie Night,” and the midnight kiss. Whatever the motive, I’ll see you there. But let’s not forget everything else that is going on throughout the week.

During this year’s Homecoming activities, catch that Aggie pride and participate in our activities. Thursday is the ASUSU Forum and free Aggie Ice Cream, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Taggart Student Center Sunburst Lounge. The ASUSU Executive Council will be on hand to answer questions and hear student concerns. Following the forum, Paul Hawken, an environmentalist, journalist and author, will be the featured Arts and Lectures convocation speaker. Hear first-hand how his experiences have inspired CEOs to transform their internal corporate culture and business philosophies.

Then, get ready for the biggest blockbuster of the summer, “Pirates of the Caribbean,” to be shown in the Kent Concert Hall. Two showings are available at 6 and 9 p.m. Please pick up your free tickets in the TSC Ticket Office. Don’t forget to dress up as your favorite pirate and enjoy the show.

Friday evening, it’s Cinderella’s turn at the ball for the annual Homecoming Dance. Treat that special someone to an elegant evening. Four dance halls with live DJ’s, bands and the Crestmark Orchestra will be available. Tickets are available for $18 per couple, and at the door for $20 per couple. Then, head over to the A for True Aggie Night at midnight. Juan Franco, the new vice-president of student services, will be there … will you?

Saturday, Run With the Elephants at the annual Homecoming 5K Run, sponsored by ASUSU and USU College Republicans. Registration is currently taking place in the TSC, Room 326, or at 8:30 a.m. the morning of the race. Stick around for the parade at 10 a.m., then show Cache Valley how much you love Utah State by cheering on your Aggies as they take on the Wyoming Cowboys at 6:05 p.m. in Romney Stadium. And, for the first time, Fireworks West will be doing a free 20 to 30 minute firework show following the game.

Finally, to cap the week off, a free party in the TSC. Music, dancing, live DJ’s, blow-up toys and the mechanical bull will accompany tons of free prizes. Don’t miss out!

Now that we’ve been in school for about one and one-half months, I hope every Utah State student has caught the Aggie pride that emanates from this university. This is only my second year here, but I’ve had Blue blood in my veins my entire life.