COLUMN: Going Deeper

Landon Olson

Utah Statesman: How does it feel to be the USU Athlete of the Week?

Michelle Matheson: It’s a great honor. I have to thank our team though because they’re the ones who made it possible. Volleyball is a big team sport. It’s kind of a team award more than anything.

US: How does it feel to be the Big West Conference Player of the Week?

MM: That’s fun. I don’t think I’ve ever been Athlete of the Week, so even being nominated for it at Utah State is an honor, but for the Big West is a lot of fun.

US: How big of an adjustment has it been to go from coach Tom Peterson’s system to coach Burt Fuller’s?

MM: Coach Fuller’s is more detailed than coach Peterson’s. Luckily we had coach Fuller in the spring so we could have time to get used to him and get used to his philosophy and what he likes and how he wants us to do things. It’s been a tough adjustment but we’re doing well and he’s brought a lot to our team.

US: What is the most difficult aspect of playing volleyball?

MM: I’d say blocking is hard, but it is also the funnest. It’s hard because being a middle you’re chasing the ball constantly. It’s hard to always stay penetrated over the net. US: When did you start playing volleyball and why?

MM: I started in eighth grade and our junior high didn’t have any sports until my eighth grade year. When I got to high school, I just loved volleyball so much I kept playing that.

US: What do you do to get yourself psyched up for games?

MM: Scream. We try to fire each other up in the locker room. I also try to visualize, do a lot of visualization before we start.

US: What do you like to do during your spare time?

MM: What spare time? Just hang out with friends. I like being active so I like doing anything pretty much.

US: What are your plans after graduation?

MM: I’ve worked hard for the last four years coming straight out of high school. I kind of want to play around for a little bit, maybe travel, go to Europe.

US: What kind of music do you like to listen to?

MM: I like everything. I like all music.

US: What is your favorite drink during a match?

MM: We only get water, but I like orange Gatorade. That is my favorite drink.