
COLUMN: Here comes E-Week

John Jacklin

Hello again my fellow Statesman readers. Engineering Week is finally upon us, and there’s nothing left to do but celebrate the festivities.

Starting Tuesday (since Monday is a holiday, thanks to E-Week) we will be giving away free ice cream in the Engineering Building breezeway at 1 p.m.

Wednesday, also in the breezeway, and also at 1 p.m., we will be hosting a free lunch with the dean. There will be free sub sandwiches, and Dean Hinton will be there to meet and greet all those who are hungry or desperate enough to stop by.

Thursday is the big day when all the competitions take place. We have local chapters of professional societies hosting many and varied design competitions, from a pinewood derby, to a calculator quick-draw, to a quiz bowl. Most of the fun will be happening in the TSC Sunburst Lounge starting at 2 p.m. (Check your local listings for more complete details.)

We’ll end the week on Friday, just like most people do, and have a banquet in the Walnut Room where there will be awards for engineering educators, and educatees (and most likely there will be some dam jokes, which sounds a lot funnier than it reads.)

OMG! (this is Internet chat lingo for “Oh my gosh!”) As I was typing this article I got a little distracted and started surfing the Net. You won’t believe what I found. Some hot dog has listed Paul Bunyan’s capture on eBay!

Well, actually the auction is for a photo of the capture, and the price is pretty steep. This chills me to the bone. I can’t believe that someone is trying to profit from the misfortune of the College of Natural Resources.

Why, I remember a few months back that I came to school early one Saturday morning and saw that some worker of malfeasance had kidnapped poor Paul, and left the wreckage of his previous capture wrapped around the pole where he once so proudly stood.

This is cold-hearted deviousness. Please, don’t anyone bid on that auction. Just ignore it. Just put it in the proverbial freezer and forget it.

I hope that everyone will enjoy Engineering Week next week, and Black History Month this month. And if anyone out there knows where Paul Bunyan is, please help to ensure his safe return.

John Jacklin is the College of Engineering senator. Comments can be sent to him at jbj@cc.usu.edu.