COLUMN: In Defense of Religion

Colby Lyons

I realize the topic I am addressing in this column is very sensitive and very personal. However, I feel compelled to share what I know to be true. As I express my feelings about my creator, please understand I do not intend to criticize anyone or their religious beliefs.

Recently, questions have been raised regarding the existence of God. Many of these questions have been valid, and I would like to address them. I know God lives. He knows and loves each of us, for we are his children. I have had many experiences in my life that have convinced me of this simple, yet profound, truth.

My belief in God has been strengthened by the ways God has shown us he lives and cares about us. I would like to mention a few of these.

God has manifested himself throughout his creation. Everything from the vastness of space to the ordered intricacies of the atom testify of him. The majesty of the mountains, the depth of the ocean, the miracle of life and the power of love unite to declare that God does live.

Our very existence on this earth shows that we and the earth on which we live were created by a divine hand. There are innumerable conditions that need to be just right for life to exist. These conditions could have not come about by accident.

A record has been kept regarding God’s dealings with mankind. This record is found in scriptures like the Bible. God has always spoken to his children through his prophets, as the scriptures testify. As has been recorded in the scriptures, the prophets have taught us that each of us can speak to God in prayer and receive answers and direction from him. This is a way we can know he exists.

Many have seen acts of cruelty or times of suffering as a reason to deny the existence of God. The reason cruelty and suffering abounds becomes clearer when we realize the purpose of our mortal lives. We have been sent to this earth to see if we will be faithful to commandments – directions from God to be happy – we have been given. We have been given the agency to decide to follow or reject God. There have been those who have chosen to disregard these commandments and harm others. God cannot force us to obedient to his commandments. We must obey him of our own free will.

We are here on this earth to grow and progress. Sometimes our greatest growth comes in times of suffering and affliction. During these times, we can turn to God for strength and comfort. As we overcome these trials, we become stronger and draw closer to God. We also grow in our capacity to love, understand and serve others.

God’s ways and thoughts are not ours. We may not yet understand why he acts as he does. The mere fact that God does not act as we think he should does not disprove his existence, as some would contend. This just shows us a lack of our own understanding.

If we are to know for ourselves that God does exist, we must have faith. Faith is necessary in our quest to seek and understand God. Often we must rely on knowledge and understanding that cannot be proven with concrete facts, or by the senses. Those who seek to understand scientific truth must also act on faith. Magnetic and gravitational forces cannot be seen and touched, but they are real. So it is with spiritual truths. They cannot be seen or heard, but they can be felt deep within our hearts. Our faith must move us to obedience of God’s commandments. As we obey, our faith will be strengthened, and our knowledge will increase.

It is possible for every individual to know God does exist. Each of us can come to an understanding of God through diligently studying his word and striving to live by his commandments, which are found in the scriptures.

It takes constant, dedicated effort to understand and develop a relationship with God. The results of that effort and diligence will strengthen our knowledge of his existence.

As a result of our efforts to know God, we will come to know by feelings deeper and stronger than our physical senses that he truly lives. Our minds will be opened and our understanding will be widened. We will come to understand the meaning of our lives on this earth and will receive strength to bear the burdens that each of us have. We will gain greater perspective as we realize our mortal lives are but a small portion of our existence. We will come to realize we existed before our birth into this world and our lives will continue after death. Things we did not understand before will make sense as we begin to develop this eternal perspective.

As each of us understands our relationship to God and strives to keep his commandments, peace will begin to be established on the earth. Each of us will come to see each other as brothers and sisters and have a greater desire to serve each other. War will cease and poverty will be eliminated as we reach out to one another with love, as we have been taught by God. Each of us will change as we realize we will be accountable before God for our conduct on this earth.

As we understand God, we will also come to understand the reality of unchanging moral truths. These truths come from God and can not be changed by man. Man may ignore or attempt to change them, but they are as real and binding as the laws of physics. As we live by these moral truths, our lives, families, nation and world will be healed.

God is real, and each of us can come to know this for ourselves if we are willing. We must first have the desire to believe.

Colby Lyons is a senior majoring in law and constitutional studies. Comments can be sent to him at