COLUMN: It’s a day of love so spoil yourself

Alisha Tolman

Being a college student is more often than not a pretty demanding lifestyle. Sometimes we practice a little more ascetecism than we’d like in the name of education.

This week is, at least from a commercial point of view, an excuse for the romantically attached to spoil one another. If you ask me, everyone, especially busy students, could use a little spoiling, and if you want something done, a sure solution is to do it yourself.

There are a number of ways to go about spoiling yourself, as I discovered while talking to friends and surfing the ‘net. What a person does for a little self-indulgence depends highly on personal taste, but it boils down to breaking the daily routine and reveling in something you wish you had more time – or money – for.

In the event that a lengthy college career of self-denial has you trying to remember what “spare time” is and what you like to do with it, here are some suggestions:

Find a relatively undisturbed refuge and read a book you’ve been meaning to read – and I don’t mean your psychology textbook.

Cook a full meal.

This entails using the stove or microwave for something besides macaroni and cheese. Then, sit down and enjoy it. Better yet, invite someone to enjoy it with you.

Listen to your favorite CD or play an instrument. Music can invigorate or relax you with tremendous power. Utah State University doesn’t offer a major in music therapy for nothing.

Go outside. Hike. Bike. Road trip.

Hey – we’re approaching a three-day weekend; let’s enjoy it. Go skiing or fishing or play basketball.

Buy something you don’t really need. It can be Pop Tarts or a new CD or a zany shampoo with enough herbs in it to be a salad dressing.

A lot of people spoil themselves by spoiling other people. Take my dad: When he indulges himself, he throws parties or buys presents for friends.

The happier he can make someone, the happier he is. A sure way to spoil yourself is to call or visit someone you’ve been meaning to talk with.

The point is that we all need a moment to smell the roses from time to time. Do yourself a favor this week and spoil yourself.