COLUMN: Merry Christmas and have a strong finish

Celestial Bybee

Now that we have all gorged ourselves with turkey, we are all back and ready to take on the dreaded week of FINALS!

I know that this time of year starts to weigh on students and professors alike. In my mind I make the analogy of the semester being a race — not just any race — but in my mind I compare it to a marathon. Last year I had the privilege of running in a marathon. Now that I have run a marathon and for anyone else who has or can imagine, I am sure it is understood why the two are comparable.

The three main reasons I compare a marathon to a semester of school are first, in either case, the person participating must really push himself the whole way through. Second, each person must be prepared for the whole event (race or semester), just be prepared. And last, each participant must keep that end goal in sight to make it through (especially at the end).

So… here’s the clue. When we are not feeling motivated, especially to study something for finals or even something we are not really interested in, we need to think of the end goal. Why are we here at school?

The two main reasons I see are to learn and get a degree. Well since the first reason does not always help, we must sometimes resort to the second. That degree (or end goal, like the finish line of the marathon) is what we have to have in sight. If our goal is to go to graduate school then we realize how important it is to not only graduate, but graduate with good grades. Therefore we study even harder (or run even faster) and study the best that we can, to do the best that we can.

We must push ourselves, be prepared and most of all, keep that end goal in sight in this last stretch of the race (finals).

Good luck to all students on finals, whether it is your first, middle or last experience of finals! And when it is all over enjoy the holiday break!

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Mrs. Santa Claus/Celestial Starr Bybee is the ASUSU president. Comments can be sent to her at